Along Track Interferometry TANDEM-X Satellite Data for
Modelling Sea Surface Pattern Variations
Volume 2 - Issue 4
Maged Marghany*
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- Faculty Geospatial and Real Estate, Malaysia
*Corresponding author:
Maged Marghany, Geomatika University College, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: March 18, 2019; Published: March 25, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/MAOPS.2019.02.000144
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This investigation is the novel study, which is contacted along the Malaysian coastal water to implement the potential of
TanDEM-X satellite data for retrieving sea surface current. In this view, the main objective of this investigation is to exam the
multichannel MAP height estimator for retrieving sea surface current pattern as a function of the tidal elevation. In-deed, TanDEM-X
satellite data have an inordinate prospective for modeling the sea surface parameters, for instance, sea surface current flows and the
physical parameters of ocean wave spectra i.e. wavelength and significant wave height. Consequently, TanDEM-X satellite data are
the expression of the satellite operation flying with the two satellites in an exactingly measured substance with a consistent baseline
between 250 and 500m. In this understanding, the set of TanDEM-X satellite data are explored by using along track interferometry
which is optimized by MAP algorithm. The investigation reveals that the MAP algorithm has excellent performance with the lowest
RMSE of ±0.013. Additionally, the MAP algorithm can authenticate the spatial variability of coastal water from TanDEM-X satellite
data. Concluding, TanDEMX data exposes a fabulous assurance for modeling the sea surface current flow with X-band.
Keywords:TanDEM-X satellite data; MAP height estimator algorithm; Sea surface current; Tidal elevation; Along-Track
Data Set|
Results and Discussions|