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ISSN: 2637-6636

Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry: Open Access Journal

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6636)

periodontal-diseases-in-children Volume 6 - Issue 5

Mohammad Karimi*

    Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Sepideh Dental Clinic, Iran

Received:August 27, 2021   Published: September 08, 2021

*Corresponding author: Mohammad Karimi, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Sepideh Dental Clinic, Iran

DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2021.06.000247

Abstract PDF

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Periodontal disease in children is a condition in which there are destruction and resorption of the supporting bone of the teeth, which has three types: local, diffuse, and pre-pubertal. The local type of severe bone resorption is symmetrically and bilaterally in the deciduous dental arch, which is not accompanied by inflammation of the gingival tissue and plaque. The causative agents are hereditary blood disorders along with bacterial agents. In the diffuse type, which occurs mostly in puberty and progressively, symptoms such as gingivitis, plaque, and calculus are evident. Treatment for these two conditions is surgery with the use of Tetracycline and sometimes Metronidazole. Local bone resorption is mainly the cause of systemic diseases such as blood disorders, leukemia, diabetes, and inherited Syndromic diseases. Gingival recession can be caused by chronic inflammation due to poor hygiene, the presence of orthodontic stimuli and movements, and oral habits. Sometimes gingival resorption is caused by self-harm for psychological reasons that the child damages the gingival tissues. The third category is the pre-pubertal type, which occurs at the age of 4 during or after the growth of mammary glands, which sometimes occurs early due to the severity of tooth decay. Treatment is early diagnosis, curettage, massage, and health education. Sometimes broad-spectrum antibiotics are necessary.

Keywords:Bone resorption; periodontal disease; gingivitis; poor oral; hygiene; inflammation; antibiotics

Abstract| Introduction| Signs and Symptoms| Causes| Types of periodontal diseases in children| Gingival Recession Due To The Progression Of Gum Disease| Diagnosis And Treatment Of Periodontal Diseases| Conclusion| References|