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ISSN: 2637-6636

Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6636)

Dental Worker’s Contact with Covid-19 Confirmed Patients and Actual Performance of Infection Control Procedures in Dental Clinics Volume 7 - Issue 4

Hee Ja Na1* and Chenhao2

  • 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Honam University, Kwangju, Korea
  • 2Graduate of Dental Hygiene, Honam University Kwangju, Korea

Received: April 26, 2022;   Published: May 13, 2022

*Corresponding author: Hee Ja Na, Department of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Kwangju, 62399, Korea

DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2022.07.000270

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Objective: This study analyzes the infection control procedures and performance status for dental medical institutions regarding infection control measures within dental clinics. It investigates by dental position, gender, and career those in contact with COVID-19 confirmed patients and identifies the level of infection control. This study aims to provide basic data for preventing coronavirus, suggesting monitoring dental workers in contact with COVID-19 patients should be managed by safety procedures, and blocking infections by air passageways in clinics, as well as managing facilities and dental workers’ safety.

Methods: In order to understand the general characteristics of the subjects of this study, the mean and standard deviation were obtained, and technical statistics by occupation were obtained for dental workers who had tested negative after contact with a confirmed coronavirus patient. In order to correlate air infection by gender and occupation, a response sample t-test was conducted by analyzing the occupation and contact experience of confirmed patients and dental clinic worker’s position, and in clinic spacing design to prevent infection as well as gender and room ventilation, and post-treatment disinfection. To analyze air infection in dental clinics, the automatic design for infection control within dental staff was cross-analyzed, and clinic ventilation by staff position was cross-analyzed according to position, as well as disinfection done after treatment, and ONE-WAYANOVA was done by position. Facility management and career correlation analysis were performed by both tests, and career regression analysis such as mask wearing, sharing refreshments and conversations, hand hygiene, washing work clothes, and monitoring infected employees were analyzed at a significance level of .05.

Results: The average and standard deviation of the job group tested negative after contact with confirmed patients in response 1. In the air infection management response sample t-test by gender and occupation the results were -.433 (1.823), t=-3.387 with a p value of 0.01, which is a significant level. note at 05. In Response 2, the mean and standard deviation by dental position and procedures to prevent infection movement were -1.039 (1.475), and the t=-10.038 p value was 0.00, which was significant at the significance level of 0.05. The gender of Response 2 and the mean and standard deviation of the treatment room ventilation are -2.551 (1.024), t= -35.471p values are 0.00 and are significant at the significance level of 0.05. Response 4 Gender and the mean and standard deviation in post-treatment disinfection are -2.433 (1.193), t = -29.045, p value is 0.00 and significance level is 0.05. These show a significant result as 05. The results of cross-analysis for dental clinic automatic design regarding air infection: For infection control by position, 57 people, 56.4% were the predominant category; but 16 people, 50.0% were highly likely for infection; and 14 people, 45.2% were nursing assistants. The results show a 2.5% ratio for 5 people who are ‘not very likely/ unlikely for infection’ and who are not risk factors. Cross-analysis was conducted to find out if there were significant differences in automatic design of infection control by position x2 = 16.960a, and the significance probability was .388, indicating that there was no significant difference in the automatic design for infection control regarding position at the significance level of 0.05.

Conclusion: F statistic 3.292, refreshments and conversations lead to regression of dental safety management. The significance probability .002 is a significant explanation for increased risk of infection due to position and casual contact while conversing and having refreshments; these were at the significance level of .05 (t=3.152, p=.002), the heightened risk due to these factors is explained as 0.077% of the total change (according to the modification coefficient, 0.054%).

Keywords: Dental clinic; infection control; dental profession; coronavirus-19; confirmed patient; air infection; facility management; safety management

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results| Conclusion| Discussion | Conflict of Interest | References |