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ISSN: 2637-6636

Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry: Open Access Journal

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6636)

A Study on the Importance and Performance of Covid Infection Control in Dental Hygienists Volume 7 - Issue 4

Hee Ja Na1* and Shijunfan2

  • 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Kwangju, Korea
  • 2Graduate of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Kwangju, Korea

Received: April 25, 2022;   Published: May 13, 2022

*Corresponding author: Hee Ja Na, Department of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Kwangju, 62399, Korea

DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2022.07.000269

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Objective: This study analyzes the importance and performance of dental hygienists for Covid infection management. It is intended to increase the clinical performance for Covid infection management by dental hygienists and to provide basic data for blocking coronavirus.

Methods: In order to understand the general characteristics of the subjects in this study, mean and standard deviation were obtained, and a variance analysis of job type and covid importance was performed, and an anova-test of covid importance and performance, and multiple regression analysis was analyzed at a significance level of 0.05.

Results: There were 172 subjects for this study; their general characteristics were gender, age, education level, position, number of patients cared for per day, training to treat covid infected patients, necessary level of covid infection education, and method of covid education. The results based on covid cause characteristics, covid dental hygiene, covid prophylaxis, personal protective gear, how to use equipment infected by patients, room aerosol management, personal hygiene, and covid therapy communication were not significant; the average and standard deviation for general dental hygienists in medical waste was 4.024 (1.088). The average and standard deviation for the chief dental hygienist is 3.678 (8.855), the average and standard deviation for the part-time dental hygienist is 3.529 (8.895), f=3.850, p=. As 023, and there is a significant difference at the significance level of 0.05. The p value of the performance of the Covid- cause characteristic was .013, showing a significant difference at a significance level of .05. The degree of performance for medical waste is also p=.008, which is a significant level. There is a significant difference in 05 and the personal hygiene performance is p=as 024. There is a significant difference at the significance level of .05. In the correlation analysis, the importance of covid prevention behavior, personal protective equipment, clinic aerosol importance, personal hygiene importance, covid dental hygiene treatment performance, covid prevention behavior performance, clinic aerosol performance, and personal hygiene performance are highly correlated. In addition, the significance level result for testing the significance in multiple regression analysis for covid importance and dependent variable performance based on individual independent variables, which were determined from the number of patients’ nursing per day was affected satisfactorily with a 05 Independent variable for Covid preventive action performance (t=-2.834, p=.05); Aerosol performance in the clinic (t=3.042, p=.003) has a significant effect.

Conclusion: The average and standard deviation for general dental hygienists in medical waste materials is 4.024 (1.088), The average and standard deviation of the chief dental hygienist is 3.678 (.855) The mean and standard deviation for part-time dental hygienists is 3.529 (8.895), f=3.850, p=.As 023, there is a significant difference at the significance level of 0.05. There is a significant difference in the Anova test between the performance of the characteristics of the covid cause, the performance of medical products, and personal hygiene. In addition, as a result of testing the significance of heavy regression analysis for the number of patients nursing per day along with the importance of covid prevention performance, the degree of covid prevention behavior at a significance level of .05 (t=-2.834, p=).005), room aerosol performance (t=3.042, p=.003) has a significant effect.

Keywords: Infection control; dental occupation; coronavirus-19; dental hygienist; dental clinic; performance; care work

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results| Conclusion| Discussion | Conflict of Interest | References |