Meningoencephalitis and Spontaneous Acute Subdural
Haematoma Complicating COVID-19: Report of an
Unusual Case and Review of Literature
Volume 5 - Issue 1
Muneer Abubaker1, Afshan Hasan1, Suhail Hussain2, Yahya Paksoy3 and Abdul Rafi Mohammed1*
- 1Consultant Family Physician, Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar
- 2Consultant Stroke Physician, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
- 3Consultant Neuroradiologist, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Received: January 25, 2021; Published:February 04, 2021
Corresponding author: Abdul Rafi Mohammed, Consultant Family Physician, Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar
DOI: 10.32474/OJNBD.2021.05.000205
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Neurological complications of COVID-19 are not uncommon and can sometimes be serious and even fatal. We report a case of
COVID -19 complicated by meningoencephalitis and spontaneous subdural hematoma requiring emergency craniotomy. Patient
had a stormy course in intensive care and eventually died. As far as the authors are aware only handful of COVID-19 patients
complicated with subdural hematoma have been previously reported in the literature.
Keywords:COVID-19; Pneumonitis, Intensive Care; Subdural hematoma; Meningoencephalitis; Craniotomy
Case Presentation|