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Most of the lattice transmission towers in the US were designed before 1960 and are still in service. These structures often need to be analyzed for upgrades to the conductors, shield wires, cellular antenna add-ons, damage repairs, or electrical clearance checks. On some of these structures, computer analysis shows that few members are overstressed. However, these structures have no history of member failures. This difference in results can be attributed to the difference in the analysis methodology between the original graphical stress analysis and current non-linear finite element analysis. To understand these differences, lattice towers are analyzed using graphical stress analysis and finite element analysis. This paper will present a comparison of results from these two design approaches...... ReadMore -
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Versatility of sand in providing strength and stability, whilst the high level of durability becomes an advantage in construction, making sand able to withstand, cope well with the hostility of environments and variety of climates [1-13]. Applications of sand in the backfill is important due to the compressed structure of sand...... ReadMore -
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Backfills are used in the construction of retaining walls as they provide support and stability to retaining walls, ensuring their structural integrity, and preventing soil erosion. Retaining wall is designed to resist the lateral pressure of soil while maintaining stability through its self-weight...... ReadMore -
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The environmental impact of air pollution due to fine particulate matter PM10 (suspended particles less than 10μm) and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) causes respiratory diseases and lung cancer resulting in thousands of premature deaths yearly. It is believed that the people living in economically/ technologically advanced areas are causing more pollution but are the least impacted due to healthy living conditions and facilities...... ReadMore -
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Change orders (COs) are a common occurrence in construction projects, leading to increased costs and extended durations. Design-Bid-Build (DBB) projects, favored by state transportation agencies (STAs), often experience a higher frequency of COs compared to other project delivery methods...... ReadMore -
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This paper focuses on the people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards solid waste management in Nigeria. It evaluated the common solid waste management practices in the country and explored the strategies in place to promote sustainable waste management program...... ReadMore -
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This paper presents the effects of the Nano-Silica and Steel and polypropylene (PPS) fiber on the characteristics (properties) of High-Strength Self-Compacting concrete (HSC-SCC). HSC-SCC samples were produced according to concrete mixing plans by using lubricant, Nano-Silica and steel fibers...... ReadMore -
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The present article investigates the simultaneous effect of two orthogonal and horizontal components of strong ground motion on the identification of dynamic characteristics and, in particular, the eigen-frequencies and mode shapes of spatial asymmetric buildings...... ReadMore