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Current Trends on Biotechnology & Microbiology

Research Article(ISSN: 2641-6875)

Carbon Nanomaterial and Solid-Phase Extraction: an Effective Adsorbent and Impressive Method for Measuring Norfloxacin in Biological Samples Volume 2 - Issue 3

Ali Moghimi*1 and Milad Abniki2

  • 1Department of Chemistry, Branch Islamic Azad University, Iran
  • 2Department of Resin and Additives, Institute for Color Science and Technology, Iran

Received:September 15, 2021;   Published:October 11, 2021

*Corresponding author: Ali Moghimi, Department of Chemistry, Varamin-Pishva, Branch Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran

DOI: 10.32474/CTBM.2021.02.000140

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In recent years, drug use is on the rise, causing environmental pollution. Therefore, drug control is a common practice in many laboratories. This project focuses on increasing the method for determining small amounts of norfloxacin in aqueous and biological samples. Solid-phase extraction of small amounts of norfloxacin in aqueous samples using carbon nanotubes and visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometric measurements are used in biological samples. These systems include two phases, the aqueous donor phase and the acceptor phase of conjugated carbon nanomaterial.

Aqueous phase extraction and norfloxacin adsorption were performed in two experimental steps. First, methanol acidic solvent was used and the adsorbed samples were submitted to Vis-UV spectrophotometry for further analysis. Extraction parameters in this method This cheap and simple method is compatible with most tool analysis methods. These parameters include extraction time, adsorption of organic solvent effect, adsorption time, shaking time, the volume of donor phases, and optimized surfactant effect, and analysis and measurement were performed under optimal conditions. Low consumption of organic solvents, elimination of the effect of previous experiments, short extraction time, low detection threshold, and high concentration coefficient are the advantages of the mentioned technique and also the concentration factor and detection threshold for Norfloxacin were 49 and 8.96. The linear amplitude and relative standard were 1.46%.

Keywords: Norfloxacin; Extraction Method; Carbon Nanomaterial; Spectrophotometry

Abstract| Introduction| Experimental| Discussion and Results| Conclusion| References|