Short Communication
Herbal Management of Pain According to Charaka
ISSN: 2644-1403
Global Journal of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine (GJAPM) is an International peer reviewed Journal that publishing and disseminating all the trendy and top-tier original research articles, reviews, editorials, case reports. The journal will emphasize high-level research of clinical relevance and exhilarating approach. The journal scope encompasses the knowledge in medical research of the topics related to anesthesia practice, airway management, anesthetic administration, preoperative and postoperative considerations, pain management, inhalational anaesthetics, topical anesthetics, General anesthetics, Local anesthetics. Pain is the most common reason patients try to find medical care. Pain Medicine promotes both the visibility and development of pain medicine as a worldwide interdisciplinary medical specialty within a multidisciplinary pain field and promotes the specialty’s collaboration with primary care and other health services towards a population-based approach to pain management for the public health.
Short Communication