ISSN: 2643-6736
Advances in Robotics & Mechanical Engineering (ARME) is an International open access, peer-reviewed journal which offers prompt publication of articles covering experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations which give insight into the major areas of mechanical, thermal and fluid engineering. ARME mainly focused on Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent robotic instrumentation and measurement, Human-robot interfaces, Nanomechanics, micromechanics and Mechanical Power Engineering. Advances in Robotics & Mechanical Engineering (ARME) considers various articles such as Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini Reviews, Short Communications, Editorials, etc., for possible publication. We focus on bringing up the new thoughts to a perfect platform to learn, share and contribute.
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Machine Learning, Underwater Acoustics, Engineering Application in Ships, Signal Processing, Optimization, Wireless Communication
RMIT University, Australia
Dynamic Systems: Dynamics, Vibrations, Control, Stability, Bifurcations, and Chaotic behavior of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, with emphasis on Smart Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. Vehicles: Dynamics, Handling, Ride, and Stability of Vehicles, with emphasis on Autonomous Vehicles and Smart/Safe Vehicles. MEMS: Dynamics, Design, Optimization, Control, and Stability of Microelectromechanical Systems, with emphasis on Using Nonlinearity in Design. Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of Robotic Manipulators, with emphasis on Time and Energy Optimal Control.
University of South Florida, USA
At the age of 16, I graduated from Provincial Shao-Hing High School. Because of the World War II, I like to be in military service, so I entered Chinese Air Force Technology Institute, and graduated with rank of number 3 in the class of 50 students. I served 4 years in the Engine Overhaul Factory in Taiwan China as a Lieutenant, and then I entered National Cheng-Kung University, majored in mechanical engineering. I graduated with number 1 student in the class of 85 students. I came to USA in 1958 and completed M.Sc. at Brown University and Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1966. I received Outstanding Faculty Award in 1975, Engineer of Year Award in 1985, elected as Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1995, and published a text book ‘Advanced Dynamics’ in 1997. I retired in the year of 2000 and earned a title of Emeritus Professor. Because I like to serve this country and this world, so I am still working with a part time job in the University of South Florida.
Combustion, Vibration, Electro Mechanical Design and Numerical Method,Taught Mechanical Design, Dynamics of Machinery, Vibration Analysis, Computer Simulation, Instrument Systems, Thermal Systems and Capstone Design
King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Magdi S. Mahmoud received B.Sc. (Honors) degree in communications engineering, M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and Ph.D. degree in systems engineering, all from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1968, 1972 and 1974, respectively. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor in the Systems Engineering Department; KFUPM, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Mahmoud is internationally recognized as an eminent researcher in the systems and control field. His activities and books in interconnected systems, networked-control systems, and renewable-energy systems have become guidelines to many researchers in North America, South-East Asia and Europe in advancing systems engineering research. He is the principal author of thirty-six (36) books, inclusive book-chapters and the author/co-author of more than 525 peer-reviewed papers. His research interests include the operation and control of cyperphysical systems, distributed control and filtering, smart grid and renewable energy systems. Dr. Mahmoud’s innovative research has been leading academia and research development worldwide, and will lead to new advancement in systems engineering. He is the recipient of two national, one regional and several university prizes for outstanding research in engineering and applied mathematics. He is a fellow of the IEE, a senior member of the IEEE, the CEI (UK), and a registered consultant engineer of information engineering and systems Egypt.
Networked control systems, Interconnected control systems, Robust control, Time-delay systems, Fault-tolerant systems, Microgrid systems, Fuzzy-logic based control systems
M. Gogol State University, Ukraine
Ivan Kazachkov is Mech. Engineer: PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1981) and MSc (1976) from Kyiv National T. Shevchenko University. Full Doctorship (1991) in Engineering Sciences from the Institute of Physics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga. Full Professor at the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences since 1989, since 1995 - Head of Dept and Principal Investigator at the State scienfifc and Technical Center on Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine. During 1998-2004 - at the KTH, Energy Technology Dept as Guest Professor, then during 5 years teaching and doing research at the National Technical Univeristy of Ukraine “KPI” continuing his work part-time as Visiting Professor at KTH, teaching numerical methods and doing research in modeling of multiphase systems. 2008-2014 - Affiliated Professor at KTH. The research activities: Parametric Control in Continua, Multiphase Flows, Controlled Film Flow Decay, and Granulation of Metals for Special Metallurgy
Parametric film flow control, Mathematical simulation in continuum mechanics, stability and wave flows, localization of heating, nonlinear dynamical systems with time shifts and their control; multiphase flows with heat transfer, analytical and numerical methods in mechanics of continua
Satbayev University, Kazakstan
Zhumadil Baigunchekov is Director of the Scientific and Educational Centre “Digital Technologies and Robotics” at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics at Satbayev University, Kazakstan. He received his PhD degree in 1977 and doctoral degree in 1985, was elected as a full member (academician) of the National Engineering Academy (1993) and the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (2003), worked as Visiting Professor at Dresden Technical University (Dresden, Germany, 1991), Middlesex University (London, UK, 1998-2000), Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, UK, 2001), a member of the Technical Committee “Robotics and Mechatronics” of the IFToMM (1995) and of the IAENG (2019). His teaching/research interests include: Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Parallel Manipulators. He has authored over 300 research publications including more 90 innovation patents, has worked on different funded projects.
Concordia University , Canada
Wen--Fang Xie received her Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1999 and her Master degree from BeihangUniversity in 1991. She is a professor with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. She joined Concordia University as an assistant professor in 2003 and was promoted to associate professor, professor in 2008 and 2014 respectively. Her research interests include nonlinear control and identification in mechatronics, visual servoing, model predictive control, neural network, and advanced process control and system identification.Sheis IEEE senior member and CSME fellow.
Nonlinear control and identification in mechatronics, visual servoing, model predictive control, neural network, and advanced process control and system identification
Obuda University, Hungary
Dr. Mester studied at University of Begrade 1964-1970 and received his D. Sci. Degree in Engineering from the University of Novi Sad in 1977. Gyula Mester works/worked at 3 Universities and 2 Doctoral Schools in 2 countries: University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Informatics, Doctoral School of Applied Informatics, Szeged, Hungary, Óbuda University, Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty, Zrenjanin, Yugoslavia/Serbia. In the period of 1997 - 2000 he was the head of the Neuro-Fuzzy-Genetic Intelligent Control Research Center, ERUDIT node, in Subotica, Yugoslavia.His professional activities contain different fields of robotics and engineering: cloud robotics, self-driving cars, unmanned autonomous systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous quadrotors, smart cities, soft computing techniques, fuzzy logic control, sensor-based remote control, humanoid robotics, autonomous wheeled mobile robots, micro- and nanorobots, rigid-link flexible-joints industrial robots, scientometrics, academic ranking of world universities.
Cloud robotics , Self driving cars, Unmanned autonomous systems, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Autonomous quadrotors, Smart cities, Soft computing techniques, Fuzzy logic control, Sensor based remote control, Humanoid robotics, autonomous wheeled mobile robots, Micro and nanorobots, Rigid link flexible joints industrial robots
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Dr. Jiangtao Cheng received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Purdue University in 2002. He also has a M.S. degree in Computer Science from Purdue University and a B.S. degree in Applied Physics from Peking University at Beijing. Prior to joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech in 2015 as Associate Professor, Dr. Cheng was a research associate at the Pennsylvania State University and a research scientist at Teledyne Scientific Company (formerly Rockwell Science Center) He has authored/co‐authored more than 50 papers in journals and proceedings of conferences. Dr. Cheng has won numerous awards in his career including four times of Best Paper Awards in international conferences and 2013 Outstanding Overseas Young Scholar Award from China NSF. In 2010, Dr. Cheng’s project “Optofluidic Solar Concentrators” was announced by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of the “six transformational energy research and development projects that could revolutionize how the country uses, stores, and produces energy”. Dr. Cheng has extensive experience in optofluidics, thermal-fluid sciences, renewable energy, micro/nano-fluidics, multiphase fluid flow, nano-fabrications and CFD numerical simulation.
Near-field characterization of micro ano-scale fluid flow, Dropwise condensation on lotus-leaf-like superhydrophobic surfaces, Thin film evaporation in superhydrophobic-superhydrophilic hybrid micro ano-textures, Liquid-based intelligent high-frequency components, Self assembly of nanoparticles and nanophotonics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Optofluidics and Electrofluidics
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgaria
Education (1954 – 1960) - Higher Institute of Chemical Technology (Sofia, Bulgaria). PhD (1968) – USSR, Moscow Institute of Chemical Mechanical Engineering, PhD Thesis: "Influence of Surface Active Agents on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Laminar Film Flow". Doctor of Technical Sciences (1978), Higher Institute of Chemical Technology (Sofia, Bulgaria), D. Sc. Thesis: "Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Falling Liquid Films". Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Science, since 1962. Professor in Chemical Engineering, since 1981. Head of Laboratory: "Modelling and Optimization"; "Process Systems Engineering" (1974-2010). Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science - 2008. Professor Emeritus of Bulgarian Academy of Science – 2012; Editor-in-Chief of the “Transactions of Academenergo” (Scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Science). Member of the Editorial Board for the “British Journal of Engineering & Technology”. Member of the Editorial Board for the SOP “Transactions on Applied Chemistry”. Member of the Editorial Board for the SOP “Transactions on Physical Chemistry”. Editorial Advisory Board Member of the “Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering”. Member of the Editorial Board for the “Science Journal of Chemistry”. Member of the Editorial Board for the “Insight-Physics”.
Diffusion type of models and scale up, New approach for modeling and simulation of column apparatuses, Gas purification from SO2, Absorption in Ventury type scrubbers, Process systems engineering
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai and Homi Bhabha National Institute, India
Debanik Roy received Bachelor of Engineering degree in Production Engg. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India in 1990, securing the topmost position in order of merit. He obtained M.Tech. degree in 1993 from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India with specialization in Manufacturing Engg. & Robotics, topping the merit list. During 1993-1995, he was engaged with doctoral research in the field of robotics (tele-manipulation & remote control) and was awarded Doctorate degree from Jadavpur University in 1997. Dr. Roy joined Automation Division, Tata Steel, India after completion of Ph.D. work and was actively involved in robotics projects there. Thenafter, Dr. Roy joined Robotics Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1998 as Research Faculty and did research-based work in the field of underwater robotics. Since 1999, Dr. Roy has been associated with the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India. He was with the Robotics division of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai from 1999 to 2008. Between Jan., 2009 to April, 2018, Dr. Roy headed the Engineering Science Advisory Committee of Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), DAE. After successful completion of the tenure at BRNS, Dr. Roy has taken up new R&D responsibility at the Division of Remote Handling & Robotics, BARC since May, 2018. Dr. Roy is also serving as an adjunct Professor faculty of Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) since 2009. Dr. Roy was a senate member of PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing- Jabalpur, India (2016-2020). Besides, he is a visiting professor of SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu, India and Research Advisor & Mentor of Indian Institute of Technology-Indore, National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Nagpur & GLA University, Mathura, India.
Robot Grippers;Gripper Sensors;Web-mediated Robotics;Flexible Manipulator;Underwater Robotics;Tele-manipulation;Compliant and Worm Robotics;Soft Computing in Robotics
University of Valparaiso, USA
Patricio Robles was born in November 28, 1950, Viña del Mar, Chile and he academic degrees are Electrical Engineer, 1975 and Master on Science with specialization on Physics, 1999. At present he teach courses of electrical projects at Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso Chile and also work as Consulting Engineer in electrical studies. He make reseach in the areas of Electromagnetic Fields and Quantum Physics with publications in international journals. During last two years he have collaborated with international journals of physics and electrical engineering as referee making reviews of articles submitted for publication.
Electromagnetic Fields and Quantum Physics, 2. Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Electrical Machines, 4. Analysis of Electric Power Systems, 5. Protection of Electric Power Systems
Texas Tech University, USA
Dr. Ming Chyu is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Texas Tech University, USA. He is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and has received numerous awards for research, “Best Paper”, “Most Useful Paper”, teaching, “Professor of the Year”, “Most Influential Professor”, and service from government, professional societies, foundations, industry, and university. He has conducted research funded by National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture, National laboratories, professional societies, state government, private foundations, and industry, and has published over 180 technical publications including more than 130 journal papers in engineering and healthcare. His research activities cover a wide spectrum of specialties from heat exchanger to superconductor, from epilepsy to cancer detection, from bone to joint to muscle biomechanics, from experiment to model simulation, and from animal to human studies. Dr. Chyu has been dedicated to promoting collaboration between engineering and healthcare. He has led 40 experts from all over the world to first define Healthcare Engineering in a white paper (2015) and also on He is the founder of the Healthcare Engineering Option graduate program at Texas Tech University, which was one of the first established in the world. He is the founder and the Founding President of the Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society (HEALS), a global, non-profit organization focusing on improving and advancing all aspects of healthcare through engineering approaches.
Healthcare engineering, Clinical engineering research , Musculoskeletal biomechanics and diseases, Thermal fluid sciences, Energy systems
ISEP - School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Auxiliar Professor at ISEP – School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Mechanical Engineering Department, Porto, Portugal.Nineteen years of experience teaching mechanical engineering (Materials and Manufacturing Processes). Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering by FEUP – Porto University, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal.Taught courses in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management and Industrial Design degrees.Supervisor of many MSc and some PhD students. Coordinator of some scientific and technical projects supported by EU related topultrusion and composite materials, manufacturing processes and tribological coatings. Mechanical Engineering degree coordinator during four years (2003-2006).Sub-Director of the Mechanical Engineering Department at ISEP (2014 - …). Director of the Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering at ISEP (2014 - …). Reviewer of some prestigious journals.Fluent also in Spanish.
Therotical model, Automation , machinery manufacturing, Mechatronics, Metals
University of Osaka, Japan
Makoto Katoh was born in Kobe, Japan, on 27/11/1953. He had earned the degree of Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Engineering at Osaka, Osaka-Fu, University of Osaka, Japan on 1976, 1978 and 1981. His major field of study is Control Engineering, Intelligent System, Optimization, Robotics and Mechatronics.He had joined to Osaka University as an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR from 1981 to 1984, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. as an ENGINEER from 1984 to 1996, join Yokohama University as an ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR from 1996 to 2000, Osaka Institute of Technology as a PROFESSOR from 2000 to 2017 at Osaka, Osaka Institute of Technology as a Special PROFESSOR from 2018 to current time, Hosei University as a Part time LECTURER from 2011 to current time at Tokyo.
Intelligent System, Optimization, Robotics, Mechatronics
COMSATS University, Pakistan
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Curtin University, Australia
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Texas A&M International University, USA
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Del Pais Vasco, Spain
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Eftimie Murgu University of Resita, Romania
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
CPA Global, Noida
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
University of Buraimi, Oman
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
University of Oviedo, Spain
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
LLC Bionic Natali, Russia
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Beijing University of Technology, China
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
University of Brescia, Italy
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Bundeswehr University, Germany
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Donghua University, China
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
University of Tabriz, Iran
Dr. Zulfiqar Habib was born in Pakistan on September 1, 1966. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from Kagoshima University Japan followed by the award of Postdoctoral fellowship of two years by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Currently he is holding the position of full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Lahore, serving as the Chairman of eight campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, and In-Charge of Center for Research in VIG-Robotics. Dr. Zulfiqar has achieved various awards in education and research including Farogh-e-Taleem (Promotion of Education) Gold Medal for the best performance in field of education, two Research Productivity Awards by Ministry of Science & Technology, Pakistan and three graduate merit fellowships by Japanese and German Governments. He is member of editorial board, advisor and reviewer of many famous ISI journals and funding agencies. He is organizer of various international conferences. He has been invited as keynote or tutorial speaker to numerous conferences and involved in various academic activities. Dr. Zulfiqar’s teaching & research interests broadly span the areas of Computer Graphics, Path Planning, Robotics, Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering of Images, Computer Vision, and Digital Image Processing. He has published a large number of highly cited research papers in impact factor journals. Currently he is supervising a large number of PhD students with the active involvement in national and international funding projects.
Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Robotics; Path Planning
Bio chemistry
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Montreal university, USAOral & Maxillofacial Pathology
New York University, USAGastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Alabama, UKDepartment of Medicine
Universities of Bradford, UKOncology
Circulogene Theranostics, EnglandRadiation Chemistry
National University of Mexico, USAAnalytical Chemistry
Wentworth Institute of Technology, USAMinimally Invasive Surgery
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