Expectations in the Purchase of Health Insurance Plans:
An Experiment in the City Of Barranquilla (Colombia)
Volume 1 - Issue 5
Mario Alberto de la Puente Pacheco*
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- *Professor of Economic Development course at University of the North (Colombia), South America
*Corresponding author:
Mario Alberto de la Puente Pacheco, PhD in International Economics, full time professor of Economic Development
course at Universidad del Norte (Colombia), South America
Received: April 18, 2018; Published: April 25, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2018.01.000121
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This paper aims to replicate the Chew-Graham experiment [1] in order to determine whether the perception of quality for
complementary medical insurance is biased and independent from its actual consumption in a different cultural and geographic
context for two groups of consumers with different levels of coverage. This in order to contrast the standard insurance theory in
which the perception of quality comes after the consumption of medical products and services. Through a U Mann Whitney and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical tests to 50 consumers of complementary medical insurance in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia)
it is found that quality perception is different according to the type of policy that consumers have. Those insured who have policies
with greater benefits, tend to have greater perception of quality of those who have policies with lower benefits. This experiment
exposed the quality perception and the action of consuming medical services as independent variables not necessarily correlated.
Methodology and conceptual framework|
Discussion and Conclusion|