Patients’ Complaints after Scaling and the Self-evaluation of
Hand Instrumentation for Scales by Dental Hygienists
Volume 4 - Issue 4
Jo Se Rim1 and Hee Ja Na2*
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- 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Dankook University, Korea
- 2Department of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Korea
*Corresponding author:
Hee Ja Na, Department of Dental Hygiene, Honan University, Kwangju, Korea
Received: July 20, 2020; Published: August 07, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2020.04.000191
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Objectives: This study was performed to understand such chief complaints through scaling operation performed by dental
hygienists, as bleeding, or instrument sensation for dental patients and how to improve by explain the control method of them, in
order to supply the better operation in the future and contribute the improve for the patient’s oral health.
Subjects and Method: Thirty five female dental patients who had received the scaling from 35 dental hygienists were
participated in this clinical study, from the periods on March, in the year 2020 at G city, and the questionnaire method was performed
with such questions as chief complaints after scaling with Likert 5 scale scores.
Results: The complaints or merits after scaling were examined as followings as bleeding complaint was 3.51±1.29 points,
hyper-sensation of the tooth was 3.74±1.26 points, tooth crack or fracture as 2.68±1.18 points, abrasion as 4.02±1.15 points,
possible for eating hot and hard foods as 3.20±1.32 points, early detect of caries as 2.17± 0.92, points, chance for consultation about
implant or denture as 3.22±1.19,, possible for drinking acidic beverage as 3.20±1.32,points , possible for finding enamel hypoplasia
as 2.20±1.23, points and possible for removal of filling or prosthodontic materials as 2.88±1.30 points. The evaluation of dental
hygienist for the hand instrument manage skill is revealed as 4.11±1.10 points for supra-gingival calculus removal, 2.51±1.29 points
for sub-gingival calculus removal, 4.17±0.95 points for using 1~2 mm lateral surface of scaler blade, 2.77±1.23 points for using
the back surface of the scaler blade, 2.60±1.11 points for start scaling after demonstration with the tip guide. 3.22±1.35 points for
grasping scaler slightly and insert it around the tooth as like as probe use, 3.14±1.37 points for vertical movement with slow motion
of the tip along the long axis of the tooth on sub-gingival area, 2.88±1.34 points for using scaler tip with slight pumping touch at the
tooth surface, 3.48±1.33 points for moving the blade vertically with inserting it on col area and 2.94±1.34 points for put the scaler
tip locate beside the proximal area of the neighbor tooth on scaling at proximal area.
Conclusion: The abrasion or hypersensitivity were the big complaints from patients on scaling and dental hygienists were
evaluated as high score in such item of scaling skills as supra-gingival calculus removal and using 1~2 mm on lateral surface of
scaler blade, but got the least score in such item on sub-gingival calculus removal.
Keywords: Dental Scaling; control dental; dental hygienist; pain; dental calculus
Subjects and Method|
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