Identification and Characterisation of Periodicum Pradatorius: An Emerging Pathogen of Physicus Novicius and Litterae Scientific
Volume 3 - Issue 5
Rasher Dan*, Thomas Thug and Peter Throb
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- Department of Dentistry, The Percy Plop School for the Gifted, United Kingdom
*Corresponding author:
Rasher Dan, Department of Dentistry, The Percy Plop School for the Gifted, United Kingdom
Received: February 19, 2020; Published: February 26, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2020.03.000175
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“The way to reason with a predator is to make it aware that it can live in a cage, or it can die, but it can no longer prey upon us”. Litterae scientific has, over the last decade in particular, been the subject of escalating insult from a number of rogue elements; none more insidious than Periodicum pradatorius [1]. Coinciding with the growth of the internet [2], this opportunistic infectious agent gains access to its intermediary host (Physicus novicius) primarily via Email, though social media platforms have also been implicated [3]. Once established in the hosts’ inbox, the virus either remains dormant until activated by the unwitting host or neutralized by the hosts’ immune defenses (i.e. antispam software).
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