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ISSN: 2637-6636

Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6636)

Children’s and Adolescents’ Pain, Discomfort, Fear, Cooperation, and Parental Presence During Dental Extractions

Volume 5 - Issue 1

Larisa Krekmanova* and Agneta Robertson

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    • Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Institute of Odontology at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    *Corresponding author: Larisa Krekmanova, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Institute of Odontology at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Received:November 04, 2020;   Published: November 16, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2020.05.000202

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Introduction: Children’s reports of experiences from dental invasive procedures are scarce. The aim was to renew and actualize the understanding of children’s experiences of pain, discomfort, fear, and cooperation during the dental extraction procedures. A further aim was to study the frequency of parental presence during dental extractions.

Methods: The study was based on a sample of children and adolescents aged 3–19 years in the Region Västra Götaland (RVG) and Region Örebro County (ROC). It was a 5-year cohort study of an accelerated longitudinal design, named BITA (Barn I TAndvården = Children in dental care). Data on children’s pain, discomfort, fear, cooperation, and parental presence were assessed and compiled.

Results: 2363 out of 3134 children in the four age cohorts became eligible for inclusion. The cohorts included Cohort 1 (3-7 years old; n=695 children), Cohort 2 (7-11 years old; n=642 children), Cohort 3 (11-15 years old; n=574 children), and Cohort 4 (15-19 years old; n=452 children). There were 1215 girls (51%) and 1148 boys (49%). Extractions were assessed as painful by 62%. Discomfort was reported by 33%. Dental fear was reported by 47%. During painful extractions, no fear was reported by 38%, while in painless extractions, no fear was reported by 63%. Dental fear was most common in the age group 11-15 years. Full treatment acceptance was recorded in 73.6% during the extractions. In extractions reported to cause pain, 61% cooperated well. Most of the patients (77%) showed full treatment acceptance with parental presence in the dental room. The corresponding figure was 55% for the parent not being present.

Conclusion: Dental extractions continue to constitute one of the most complex and challenging treatment situations for the young patient. The oral injection was most frequently reported to cause pain, discomfort, and fear during dental extractions. Dentists should make efforts to prevent pain and discomfort, as well as utilize parental support for the child’s sense of security during dental extractions.

Keywords: Paediatric; pain management; pain assessment; clinical procedures

Abbreviations: RVG: Region Västra Götaland, ROC: Region Örebro County; BITA: Barn I T Andvården; DFA: Dental Fear and Anxiety; BMP: Behavior Management Problems

Abstract| Introduction| Patients and Methods| Results| Discussion| Acknowledgements| Conflict of Interest| References|