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ISSN: 2637-6636

Interventions in Pediatric Dentistry: Open Access Journal

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6636)

Application of Propolis in Pediatric Dentistry Volume 5 - Issue 5

Dhanashri Yerate1*, Shashibhushan KK2 and Shobha R3

  • 1Postgraduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital, India
  • 2Professor and HOD, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital, India
  • 3Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital, India

Received:March 13, 2021   Published: March 22, 2021

*Corresponding author: Dhanashri Yerate, Postgraduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital, Shimoga, India

DOI: 10.32474/IPDOAJ.2021.05.000226

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Background: Propolis is a resinous substance derived from bees. It has been used for various medicinal purpose due to its beneficial properties, including anti-fungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulatory effects. In dentistry, propolis has wide applications for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases, as a storage medium for avulsed tooth, and in endodontics,  and periodontics.

Objective: To highlight the applications of propolis in pediatric dentistry.

Discussion: The applications of propolis is explored in various faculties of dentistry, including preventive dentistry, traumatology, periodontology, endodontics, and orthodontics.

Conclusion: Although most research published are vitro studies or animal studies, as we might face limitations while replicating these to human trials. Pediatric age group due to their developing immunity are more prone to diseases and are susceptible to adverse effects of commercially available drugs. Propolis being a natural alternative is easily accessible, safe with  reduced adverse effects.  In future, propolis may find a definitive role  in dentistry; however, further clinical trials are necessary to study the beneficial effects of each component.

Abstract| Introduction| Pulpotomy| Direct Pulp Capping| Propolis As Storage Media| Mouth Rinse| Conclusion| References|