Possible Means of Overcoming Sedimentation
by Moss Sperm Cells
Volume 2 - Issue 4
Oleh Pundyak*
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- Botanical Garden of Ukrainian National Forestry University, Ukraine
*Corresponding author:
Khaldoon A Mourad, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund, Sweden
Received: February 05, 2019; Published: February 11, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/MAOPS.2019.02.000142
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A model for overcoming the gravity by moss sperm cells is proposed here. It is based on the assuming that the tip of constantly
coiled sperm cell slips on surface of moss tissue, to which the cell is pressed by tensile strength of water. This tip and the cell
mass center don’t coincide. Therefore, there appears a torque expressing gravitaxis of physical nature. In puddles the cells can
successfully overcome the gravity detecting thermal fluctuations of their velocities, which expresses gravikinesis of physical nature.
It can considerably improve fertilization of mosses.
Keywords:Antheridia; Archegonia; Moss sperm cells; Water film; Sedimentation