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ISSN: 2637-6628

Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6628)

Therapeutic Potential of TRPM Modulator Volume 4 - Issue 4

Nitin Rawat, Hemprabha Tainguriya and Anil Kumar*

  • Pharmacology Department, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UGC Centre of Advanced Studies (UGC-CAS), Panjab University, India

Received: September 23, 2020;   Published: October 06, 2020

Corresponding author: Anil Kumar, Professor of Pharmacology, Former Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UGC Centre of Advanced Studies (UGC-CAS), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

DOI: 10.32474/OJNBD.2020.04.000192

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Transient Receptor Potential of the family Melastatin (TRPM) is a group of nonselective cation channel, engaged in various daily activities of the body. The family’s first member (TRPM1) was cloned in 1998 capable of supressing the tumour in melanocytes of skin. Soon after TRPM1 was discovered, another family member was discovered, that includes TRPM2 (channel sensitive to oxidative stress present in microglial cells), TRPM3 (channel activating renal homeostasis that is activated by sphingosine), TRPM4/5 (Ca+2 activated sister channel involved in conduction of monovalent cation), TRPM6/7 (chanzymes related to Mg+2 homeostasis), TRPM8 (thermosensitive Ca+2 permeable channel). This review will summarize activation of key structural features mechanism and therapeutic potential of drug modulating TRPM channels.

Keywords: Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels; TRPM Modulators; Neurodegenerative Diseases; Cancer

Abstract| Introduction| TRPM Channel and its Structural Features| Physiological and Pathophysiological Role of TRPM Channels in Various Diseases| Conclusion| References|