The label “autism” has become one of the most important
linguistic and conceptual creations in medical and psychological
nomenclature, and has two names linked to pioneering studies:
Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger and Austrian psychiatrist
Leo Kanner. Seventy years have passed since the publication of
Asperger’s text on autism (1944), Kanner’s article (1943) had been
known since its publication. Asperger was totally ignored until
1976 when English psychiatrist Lorna Wing published an article
summarizing the work [1]. Kanner (1943), who first described and
named early childhood autism, believed it was a distinct entity to be
clearly distinguished from mental retardation, but there are many
people who would argue that the two cannot be separated [2].
Autism and Asperger’s syndrome [3-5] are best known
among invasive developmental disorders (PDD), a family of
conditions marked by the early onset of delays and deviations in
the development of social, communicative and cognitive skills. too
many skills [6]. The first reports were made in 1943 by Leo Kanner,
who first described 11 cases of what he called autistic affective
contact disorders [7] as a condition with very specific behavioral
characteristics, such as: disturbances of affective relationships.
with the environment, extreme autistic loneliness, inability to
use language for communication, presence of good cognitive
potentialities, apparently normal physical appearance, ritualistic
behaviors, early onset and predominant incidence in males.
Knickerbocker proposed that oral sensitivity, which is common
in children with ASD, may be another example of a sensory system
that is not only hyperresponsive to oral input, but also has a deficit
in the modulation capacity of a varied sensory information input
Oral hyperresponsiveness is more common in children with
ASD than in children with typical development. Children with
oral hyperresponsiveness are described as picky eaters, eat
few vegetables and fruits, refuse to eat the same meal as their
family, refuse to try and have aversion to certain tastes, textures
and smells, do not like foods with low temperatures. or tall [9].
Parents of children with ASD often report that their children have
a very restricted diet, with limited and limited food selection and
acceptance and may be restricted to five foods [10].
In several of the studies analyzed by the authors, reports of
food-based refusal of food have been identified, and difficulties in
ingesting certain food textures have been attributed to changes in
sensory processing or may be indicative of oro-motor difficulties, as
well., sensory or oromotor changes may contribute to food refusal,
with difficulty in chewing food or tolerating texture mix [11].