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ISSN: 2638-6070

Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition

Mini Review(ISSN: 2638-6070)


Volume 2 - Issue 5

Aliza Sigdel and Srinivas Janaswamy*

  • Department of Dairy and Food Science, South Dakota State University, USA

Received: February 19, 2020;   Published: February 25, 2020

*Corresponding author: Srinivas Janaswamy. Department of Dairy and Food Science, South Dakota State University, USA

DOI: 10.32474/SJFN.2020.02.000146


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The global population is on a continuous rise, and the present 7 billion is projected to reach 9.3 billion by 2050 and surpass 10 billion by 2100 [1]. The world’s agricultural system needs to produce more than adequate food to meet the current and future demands. Growing required amount of food alone will not solve this predicament but assuring nutritious foods, more importantly, toward a healthy living need to be the priority. Supplementation of macronutrients and micronutrients in a well-balanced proportion is indeed a global challenge. Among the macronutrients and micronutrients, the latter, though required in subtle amounts of micrograms to milligrams per day, plays a vital role on human health. Micronutrients - minerals and vitamins - aid in the normal functioning of human body as they stimulate cellular growth and metabolism by triggering a plethora of chemical reactions. There are 51 micronutrients needed for humans to maintain health but 19 nutrients namely, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, chromium, iodine, fluorine, selenium, molybdenum and vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B are considered to be essential for physical and mental development and immune system functioning [2].

Introduction| Conclusion| Acknowledgement| References|