Timing in Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
and Acupuncture
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Tong Zheng Hong*
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- As-You-Wish Healthcare Institute, Taiwan
*Corresponding author:
Tong Zheng Hong, As-You-Wish Healthcare Institute, MS in Acupuncture awarded by National University of
Health Sciences in IL, Taiwan
Received: October 11, 2018; Published: October 17, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/OAJCAM.2018.01.000107
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Increasing scientific research on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture provides science-based explanations like deqi.
However, most of the research focuses on diseases instead of following TCM and acupuncture theories about pattern identification.
Timing is closely connected with therapeutic effects and surely plays a key role in the clinical efficacy that is often ignored. On the
other hand, whether or not timing-related efficacy can be influenced with age, gender, and the processing of materia medica in
Chinese herbs and acupuncture needs more attention and research.
Keywords: Pattern identification; Chinese herb; Needle retaining; Deqi
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