Extended Survival Models by Incorporating Time Varying
Covariate and Coefficient Effect
Volume 1 - Issue 4
Yemane Hailu Fissuh1,2*, Tsegay Giday Woldu3, Tarekegn Gebreyesus Abisso4, Abebe Zewdie Kebebe5 and Idriss
Abdelmajid Idriss Ahme1
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- 1Department of Statistics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
- 2Department of Statistics, Aksum University, Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia
- 3Department of Mathematics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
- 4Department of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
- 5School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
*Corresponding author:
Yemane Hailu Fissuh, Department of Statistics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Received: June 03, 2019; Published: June 18, 2019
DOI: 10.26717/CTBB.MS.ID.000118
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Background: Survival analysis is a major area of interest in the vast disciplines including biostatistics and biomedical researches.
Survival data are the observations that systematically arise when the duration from a defined time origin until the occurrence of
event for each individual item. Proportionality problems are the key challenges in survival models. The proportionality problems
may arise when the coefficient effect varies over time intervals. Thus, to fill this gap and to relax the proportionality assumption,
the article is focused on the comparison of proportional hazards models with and without including time-varying coefficient effect
and time-varying covariate.
Results: After a comparison of four models, the findings have proved that the statistical significance was highly improved
when the time-varying coefficient was considered (P-value≤0.001). However, the findings indicated that despite its improvement
in P-value, in general, the addition of time-varying covariate did not provide statistically significant results except when both timevarying
covariate and time-varying coefficients were considered as a general model.
Conclusion: To sum up the study, the more general review and rough comparison were done on four cases by using simulated
data of a small sample. After systematic evaluation and comparisons of four models with and without time-varying covariates and
time-varying coefficient effects. Eventually, the more general model was employed by incorporating both time-varying covariate
and time-varying coefficient effects. The results have shown that the last model was partially significant with small P-value for the
first regression coefficient. The overall result indicated that consideration of time-varying effect in both coefficient and covariates
can give us reasonably robust results but in the case of nonproportionality, considering the time-varying coefficient provides much
more robust solutions in general.
Keywords: Cox Model; General Model; Simulations; Time-Varying Co- variates; Time-Varying Coefficient Effect