ISSN: 2643-6760
Evangelia Michail Michailidou1,2,3*
Received:June 14, 2020; Published: June 19, 2020
Corresponding author: Evangelia Michailidou, Consultant Anesthesiologist-Intensivist, General Hospital Hippokratio of Thessaloniki, Konstantinoupoleos 46, Thessaloniki, Greece
DOI: 10.32474/SCSOAJ.2020.05.000207
Background: Leadership is defined as modifying the behavior of the medical and paramedical staff of an intensive care unit so that they tend to meet its goals. Theoretically, behavior modification should be achieved by the will of individuals and not by coercion.
Objective: The behavior of the employee in health services is crucial. Equally important are employee relations - both at the interpersonal and functional levels, that is, cooperation in the performance of their duties. In order to serve the patient effectively, it is necessary to create a chain of service among all ICU staff. The service chain is based on the concept of an internal customer, according to which the ICU employees have a customer relationship with each other.
Conclusion: ICUs are staffed and managed by people. Without employees, there is no ICU. By extension, employees are the most critical performance factor to operate and achieve the goals of an ICU. Successful ICUs are made by people, and especially by their directors, but ICUs are also less efficient when their employees cannot, do not know, or do not want to contribute to their goals. “People make the difference,” whether they’re managing or just executing.
Keywords:Management, Leadership, Doctors, ICU
Leadership is defined as modifying the behavior of the
members, in this case of the medical and paramedical staff of an
intensive care unit so that they tend to meet its goals. Theoretically,
behavior modification should be achieved by the will of individuals
and not by coercion. It emphasizes the key role of leadership
in developing a (weak) anthropocentric culture and a positive
working environment for medical and nursing staff to provide a
distinct service to patients and their relatives, as well as the specific
knowledge, attitudes and skills that one has to have a career in the
field of health services and in the ICU in particular [1-3].
Leader and executive director, differences. The executive
uses legal authority, commands and motivates. It focuses on
processes, systems, and logic. It controls and moves within
specified standard frameworks. That person is interested in how
he just manages. The leader embraces reality, emphasizes the
now and does things right. Instead, the leader emerges, using his
own power. He has vision, inspiration, and persuasion. It focuses
on people and emotions. It opens new horizons, cares about
why, causes and makes changes. Finally, it emphasizes the future
and does the right thing. Productivity and quality. Importance of
quality service in modern service delivery to obtain and maintain
a competitive edge by identifying and adopting/adapting excellent
service standards implemented by distinct medical units.
Risk is known as one of the usual parameters of our daily lives. Risk affects almost all the activities of medical units. It exists in all those cases in which it is not possible to predict with certainty the outcome of an activity [4-6]. Each unit has to take a position and outline its strategy. It is fated to make assessments of each activity and developments in the field to which it belongs and make difficult strategic decisions, such as:
a. Follow the aggressive or conservative treatment
b. Create new opportunities
c. Notice what others do
d. And accordingly to draft new goals.
However, when uncertainty prevails, the risks of misstatement become greater and often unbearable. In such circumstances, whatever the strategy and objectives, one thing becomes the focus of management, and that is risk management, in the broad sense.
Risks having outlined the strategy, emerging uncertainty makes the need for identifying the risks of an ICU more pronounced. Information gathering techniques to identify the risk.
Because brainstorming literally means brainstorming, there are often times when a brainstorming meeting goes completely wrong: “whatever it is, let’s download”. That is to say, turning a “playground” into a very important gathering of ICU doctors looking for new ideas - usually for an incident. The “winding up” of the debate is due to ignorance of the rules and conditions that govern the effectiveness of such an important meeting, in which participants can speak without restriction.
Brainstorming rules: The rules are followed for brainstormings
are the following:
a. Do not judge others’ ideas in a negative or positive way.
b. Encourages the imaginative, the impossible and the
impossible in the ideas presented.
c. What matters during brainstorming is the number of
ideas, not the quality.
d. Continue the ideas put forward by other participants.
e. Brainstorming.
f. Every idea and every speaker has the same value.
Delphi is a research methodology widely used in a wide range of scientific fields, including in the field of health. This method seeks to obtain the maximum possible consensus of a default group of experts on a topic by providing them with a series of consecutive questions.
Swot analysis is a strategic planning tool used to analyze the internal and external environment of a business, in our case an ICU when a decision needs to be made regarding the goals it has set or to achieve. SWOT acronym comes from the words: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
As a tool, SWOT analysis is not a full study of a topic under
consideration but a useful and complementary tool that often
helps in preliminary examination and inference. The ICU must
consciously know what bets its strategy contains, what can go
wrong, what the impacts and costs are, how to track them and
how to counterbalance them. And all management decisions
must be made after assessing the risks involved. Especially in the
areas of risk monitoring, information to Management is of prime
importance and must necessarily be complete, detailed, timely and
reliable. The uncertain environment does not necessarily mean
that it has a negative impact on all sectors. For any area of activity,
uncertainty can bring future risks and opportunities. Precisely
because the future is unpredictable, the beneficiaries will be those
who have taken steps so that when opportunities arise they are
able to grab them.
Therefore any administrative effort should answer the
above question: Which is the risk in the effort and which it is the
management. The worker in the ICU - Productivity and quality of
Production of quality services is an issue, the other concerns
how the service is provided. The behavior of the employee in health.
services are crucial. Equally important are employee relations -
both at the interpersonal and functional levels, that is, cooperation
in the performance of their duties. In order to serve the patient
effectively, it is necessary to create a chain of service among all ICU
staff. In this chain, each employee or group of employees will add
value to the workpiece delivered by the previous one until the final
service is provided to the patient.
The service chain is based on the concept of an internal
customer, according to which the ICU employees have a customer
relationship with each other in which each employee should see
his or her colleague in the same department or another as an
(internal) customer to him/her. Which delivers part of all the work
in accordance with the specified specifications and procedures.
Employee-oriented health care provision is considered to be
one that creates such a work environment in which adequate and
qualified employees (after selecting their technical competence
and willingness to serve and having been placed in the appropriate
positions will be able (due to training) will they want (due to
reward, motivation and empowerment systems) and will feel
obliged (due to commitment, values , and culture) to produce and
provide quality services.
It is worth noting here that the GTAT tests are concerned with
controlling the attitudes of service providers. The third necessary
orientation of modern service delivery is the development
of measurement and continuous improvement systems and
processes (result-oriented management) since the core of modern
administration is the assumption that you cannot improve
something if you cannot measurements it first.
The measurement relates to:
a. Deviations from standards
b. Comparison of processes and results with those of the ICU
unit partners that are industry benchmarks (benchmarking)
c. Record the opinion and satisfaction level of patients and
their relatives
d. Take corresponding corrective actions
The strategy of an ICU needs to be understandable. Many people
understand the word strategy differently. It’s the answer to three
one-sided questions- What, who and how. That is: What staff do we
have, what patients do we treat, and how do we do this to succeed.
Includes many topics such as behavior culture, diversification (in
terms of quality, service, speed, safety, trust, consistency, etc.),
technology strategic partnerships, outsourcing and much more
depending on the management style chosen by the individual ICU
ICUs are staffed and managed by people. Without employees,
there is no ICU. By extension, employees are the most critical
performance factor to operate and achieve the goals of an ICU.
Successful ICUs are made by people, and especially by their director,
but ICUs are also less efficient when their employees cannot, do not
know, or do not want to contribute to their goals. “People make the
difference,” whether they’re managing or just executing. Effectively
managing a team is no easy task. If everyone knew how to do it,
everyone would become leaders.
Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable.
Not applicable
It’s allowed
No one
No one
No one
Bio chemistry
University of Texas Medical Branch, USADepartment of Criminal Justice
Liberty University, USADepartment of Psychiatry
University of Kentucky, USADepartment of Medicine
Gally International Biomedical Research & Consulting LLC, USADepartment of Urbanisation and Agricultural
Montreal university, USAOral & Maxillofacial Pathology
New York University, USAGastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Alabama, UKDepartment of Medicine
Universities of Bradford, UKOncology
Circulogene Theranostics, EnglandRadiation Chemistry
National University of Mexico, USAAnalytical Chemistry
Wentworth Institute of Technology, USAMinimally Invasive Surgery
Mercer University school of Medicine, USAPediatric Dentistry
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