Veinous Thromboembolism in Hospital University of
Gynecology and Obstetric Befelatanana
Volume 3 - Issue 4
T Razafindrainibe1, S Rakotonomenjanahary2*, TP Randrianambinina1, AT Rafanomezantsoa3, M Andrianirina1, L
Rainibarijaona1 and AT Rajaonera4
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- 1Adult Intensive care Unit, CHU-GOB, Antananarivo, Madagascar
- 2Anesthesiology Unit, CHU-JDR, Antananarivo, Madagascar
- 3Anesthesiology Unit, CHU de Tamatave, Antananarivo, Madagascar
- 4Surgical Resuscitation Unit, CHU-JRA, Antananarivo, Madagascar
*Corresponding author:
S Rakotonomenjanahary, Anesthesiology Unit, CHU-JDR, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Received: October 16, 2019 Published: October 24, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/SCSOAJ.2019.03.000167
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Introduction: In three studies done in Madagascar, venous thromboembolism mainly affects the female gender. The objective
of this study was to identify the characteristics of this disease at Hospital University of Gynecology and Obstetrics Befelatanana.
Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study for four years, from January 2011 to December 2014.
Results: We identified twenty-seven veinous thromboembolism in 42 443 cases (0.06%) of which 15 cases (55%) of deep vein
thrombosis (DVT), 8 cases (30%) of pulmonary embolism and 4 cases (15%) of deep vein thrombosis complicated by pulmonary
embolism. The average age is 37.74 years. The main risk factors are age over 40 years (40.74%), postpartum (40.74%), prolonged
immobilization (25.92%), gynecological cancer (18.51%), pregnancy (18.51%) and menopause (14.81%). All patients with DVT
suffer from unilateral lower limb pain and dyspnea for pulmonary embolism. Enoxaparin relaying by fluindione earlier is our main
cure, and enoxaparin associated with early up constitute preventive treatment. Eleven cases have a favorable outcome. Ten cases
died of pulmonary embolism. The rest has been transferred into specialized services.
Conclusion: The search for risk factors of thromboembolism is the basis of prevention.
Keywords: Anticoagulant; Epidemiology; Evolution; Female; Risk Factor; Venous Thromboembolism; Prevention