Design, Modeling and Indigenous Firmware of Patient
Assistance Flexible Robotic System-Type I: Beta Version
Volume 2 - Issue 3
Debanik Roy*
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- Division of Remote Handling and Robotics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
*Corresponding author:
Department of Atomic Energy, Division of Remote Handling and Robotics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
& Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India
Received: March 05, 2020; Published: March 12, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/ARME.2020.02.000140
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The ensemble of Assistive Robotics is slowly emerging as the new front-edge research arena due to its wide-spread applications
in health care sector. Although exoskeletons are is use to a limited extent in the field of health care, it has its own limitations so
far the design, prototyping & miniaturization are concerned. Patient-centric customized health care is the need of the hour and
research frontiers are also getting negotiated accordingly. One such promising application manifold of Assistive Robotics is the
incorporation of multi-degrees-of-freedom flexible robotic system, equipped with tailor-made mini-gripper(s). In-line with the
proposition an indigenous design, modeling and firmware of Patient Assistance Robot (PAR): Type I has been accomplished by us
as version 1.0 prototype (Beta version). The characteristics of PAR v1.0 are identical to that of Flexible Robotic System with multiple
links & intercepting joints, besides fittment of three different miniaturized grippers. The ensemble programming logic for the robot
is developed towards controlling in-built vibration in real-time.
Keywords: Flexible robot; Revolute; Assistive; Vibration; Controller; Mini gripper; Dynamics; Sensor; Instrumentation; Firmware
Serial-Chain Assistive Robotic Systems: Mechanical
Design & Analysis|
Sensor Augnentation and Modeling of The Control
Dynamics of Patient Assistance Flexible Robot|
Fabrication of Prototype Patient Assistance Flexible
Robotic System: Salient Aspects|
Control System Hardware of The Patient Assistance
Flexible Robotic System & Test Results|