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Research Article(ISSN: 2644-1306)

Airway Clearance Index, Gas Exchange and Pulmonary Functions in Obstructed and Restricted Pulmonary Diseases Patients

Volume 1 - Issue 3

Al-Said A Haffor*

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    • Department of Physiology, Dar Aluloom University,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    *Corresponding author: Al-Said A Haffor, College of Medicine, Dar Aluloom University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Received: June 20, 2019;   Published: July 16, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/TRSD.2019.01.000114

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Background: The lungs clearance index (LCI) is used to assess the efficiency of ventilation distribution homogeneity among the bronchial tree.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare LCI with the standard pulmonary functions tests (PFT) as well as some selected gas exchange measures in three groups; healthy individuals, chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD) and chronic restrictive pulmonary diseases (CRPD).

Methods: LCI was determined from the slope of phase-III of the nitrogen washout curve during single breath (SBN2W). PFT and gas exchange measures were determined using metabolic cart, Vmax29.

Results: One Way analysis (ANOVA) showed significant (p<0.05) main effects of group membership (Healthy vs. COPD Vs. RLD) on LCI and PFT forced breathing measures (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio). In addition, there was a significant main effect of group membership on gas exchange (VO2(max)). Bonferroni multiple comparisons showed that significantly (p<0.05) higher mean differences for LCI among groups, being highest for COPD, as compared with healthy and RLD. Multiple regression analysis showed significant (p<0.05) coefficients of determinations (r2) and regression coefficient (b) of LCI on FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio.

Conclusion: LCI, as determined by SBN2W, is a valid test to differentiate between COPD and RLD.

Keywords: Lung clearance index; LCI; FEV1; COPD; RLD

Abstract| Introduction| Methods| Statistical Analysis| Results| Discussion| Conclusion| References|