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ISSN: 2637-6679

Research and Reviews on Healthcare: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6679)

Eye Shape with Respect to Blood Group Volume 2 - Issue 5

Muhammad Imran Qadir and Iqra attiq*

  • Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotecnology, Pakistan

Received: November 24, 2018;   Published: November 30, 2018

Corresponding author: Iqra attiq, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotecnology, Pakistan

DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2018.02.000149

Abstract PDF

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Objectives of the present study were to correlate blood grouping with eye shape. We determined the blood group of the subjects. ABO blood group system determines different types of blood group i-e A, B, AB, and O. Rh system Rh (D) described +ve and –ve suffix after ABO blood type. Then we were interested in determining the eye shape with respect to blood group of subjects. Some subjects have almond shape eyes some have protruding eyes and some have upturned eyes and downturned eyes.

Keywords: Blood Group; Eye Shape; Agglutination; Bulging Eyes


Blood group [1] is the distribution of blood based on the presence or absence of antibodies or antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens may be protein, carbohydrate, glycoproteins or glycolipids depending on the blood group system. There are two important blood group systems i-e ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system. ABO blood group system determines blood group A, B, AB, and O. There are two antigens and antibodies responsible for ABO type. Group A has antigen A and antibody B and group B has antigen B and antibody A. while AB group has both A and B antigens and has no antibodies. Blood group O has no antigen and both A and B antibodies. In Rh system Rh (D) [2] described +ve and –ve suffix after ABO blood type. If your blood has protein then Rh is +ve if you lack protein then Rh is –ve. D positive and D negative indicate the presence or absence of Rh antigen D on the surface f red blood cells. Blood group is very important in anthropology, blood transfusion, immunology, genetics, and susceptibility to various diseases. Matching is always done before blood transfusion. If donor and recipients blood does not cross matches then agglutination will occurs.

Human eye is a sense organ which permits vision. Determination of eye shape is very important. There are different shapes of eyes. Protruding eyes are those that bulge or protrude out of their normal position. These eyes are also called bulging eyes. This may be due to disease while some people are born with eyes that bulge out of their normal position. Upturned eyes are of almond shape. In that lower lid looks larger than the top lid. Downturned eyes are the most popular shape. These eyes have a tilt on the outer corner. Eyeliner makes these eyes prettier. Almond shape eyes the most common type is of almond shape. Looks like an almond. So these are the different shapes of the eyes. Objectives of the present study were to correlate blood grouping with eye shape.

Materials and Methods

A total of 173 subjects participated. The subjects were students Bahauddin zakariya in university Multan, Pakistan. We were consent from subjects.

Blood Grouping

First of all, we take three antibodies i-e anti A, anti B, anti D. Anti A is of blue color anti B is of white color and anti D is of yellow color. Then prick your finger and place three drops of blood on your slide. Then we place one drop of anti A, anti B and anti D on the blood sample. Slightly shake the blood sample from the back side of pricking needle. Wait for a minute. If clot form in the A and D then it is A positive. If clot form only in A then it is A negative. If clot form in B and D then it is B positive. If clot forms only in B then it is B negative. If clotting occurs in A,B and D then blood group is AB positive. If occurs only in A and B then it is AB negative. If clotting occurs only in D then blood group is D positive. If clotting do not occurs in any A, B, and D then blood group is O negative.

Project Designing

First of all, we determined the blood group of all subjects. Then we were interested in determining the eye shape with respect to blood group of subjects. Some subjects had almond shape eyes some had protruding eyes and some had upturned eyes and downturned eyes.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analyses were performed by using MS word.

Result and Discussion

Eye shape with respect to blood grouping is given in chart below. A+ had 15% almond eyes, 2.89% bulging eyes, 0% upturned eyes and 0.57% downturned eyes. A- had 1.15% almond eyes and had 0% bulging, upturned and downturned eyes. B+ had 20.23% had almond eyes, 7.51% bulging eyes, 0.57% upturned eyes, 3.46% downturned eyes. B- had 2.31% almond eyes, 0.57% bulging eyes, and 0% upturned and downturned eyes. AB+ had 5.20% almond eyes, 1.15% bulging eyes and had 0% upturned and downturned eyes. AB- had 0.57% almond eyes and 0% had 0% bulging, upturned and downturned eyes. O+ had 20.80% almond eyes, 9.24% bulging, 0.57 upturned eyes, 1.15% downturned eyes. O- had 2.89% almond eyes, 1.15% bulging eyes, 1.15% upturned eyes, 0.57% downturned eyes (Figure 1). Questionnaire based studies have given prime value in recent researches [3-10]. Wood worked on the eye shape registration and gaze estimation to verify the shape variation in eye region. They modeled eyelid movement using blend shapes for upwards and downwards looking eyelids. They collect models and notice that each exhibits a range of variation in eye shape, skin smoothness, and skin color.

Figure 1: Eye shape with respect to blood group.



It was concluded from the present study that A+ blood group have mostly almond eyes and have no upturned eyes. A- subjects have almond eyes. B+ have also greater number of almond eyes and fewer subjects have upturned eyes. Subject with B- also have greater number of almond eyes. Both AB+ and AB- have maximum almond eyes. Same here O+ and O- have greater number of almond eyes.


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