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ISSN: 2637-6679

Research and Reviews on Healthcare: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6679)

Right Versus Left-Sided Colon Cancer: Analysis of Epidemiology in Lebanese Patients

Volume 3 - Issue 4

Ahmad S Khalil¹, Kamal H Al Zahran²*, Evelyne G Helou¹ and Antoine A Abboud¹

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    • ¹Hematology Oncology department, Gastroenterology department, Geitawi hospital university medical center, Ashrafieh, Beirut ²Hematology Oncology department, Middle East Institute of Health (MEIH), university hospital, Bsalim, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon

    *Corresponding author:Kamal H Al Zahran, Hematology Oncology department, Middle East Institute of Health (MEIH), university hospital, Bsalim, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon

Received:June 29, 2019;   Published:July 12, 2019;

DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2019.03.000169

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Objective: Recent studies have showed that right-sided colon cancer was more aggressive than left-sided and was more common in female and older patients. We examined the incidence of colon cancer by location (right versus left sided) in one university medical center, located in Beirut, Lebanon.

Methods: We collected the data of patients with colon cancer diagnosed between the years of 2011 and 2016 in Geitawi University Hospital, comparing the epidemiology of cases with right versus left sided colon cancer; concerning the following variables: age, sex, RAS status and the stage according to the American Joint Commission of Cancer AJCC.

Results: 96 patients were included, 61% had left-sided, 36% had right-sided, 1.5% had cancer in the transverse colon and 1.5% had synchronous left and right sided colon cancer. Patients with transverse and both right and left sided colon cancer were excluded from the study. We examined the incidence in patients under the age of 50; in whom screening is not recommended, versus patients over the age of 50; in whom screening is recommended. Patients with left-sided colon cancer were more common, more likely to be younger, to be males and to be diagnosed with a more advanced stage. In patients under the age of 50, 20% had cancer in the right and 80% had left-sided colon cancer.

Conclusion: Patients with right-sided were less common, predominantly males, older and with less aggressive stage than patients with left-sided colon cancer in a sub-group of Lebanese population.

Keywords: Colon Cancer; Right Sided; Left Sided; Epidemiology

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Discussion| Conclusion| Recommendations| Acknowledgements| References|