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ISSN: 2637-6679

Research and Reviews on Healthcare: Open Access Journal

Opinion(ISSN: 2637-6679)

Motivation: We Need Psychobiosocial Model

Volume 3 - Issue 2

Mohammad Qasim Abdullah*

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    • Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Education, Syria

    *Corresponding author: Mohammad Qasim Abdullah, Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Education, Syria

Received: March 01, 2019;   Published: March 08, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2019.03.000160

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Motivation has been studied in many ways over many years, historically, the concept of motivation derived from many different lines of inquiry. Morgane (1979) for example attacked the concept as mystical and without representation of nervous system. Now we can see that the concept represents the convergence of different lines of inquiry in the history of philosophy and sciences I will highlight on some viewpoints and global facts of new trends and theories of the concept. Why do we do what we do? Why do we feel what we feel? How can we change what we do and feel? What causes behavior? What starts, maintains, and stops behavior? Why does behavior vary in its intensity? Motivation is the process of initiating, sustaining, and directing psychological and physiological activities, including internal forces such as impulses, drives and desires involved in the process. Motives may operate on a conscious or unconscious level and are frequently divided into physiological (primary or organic, such as hunger and elimination), and psychological (secondary, or personal /social such as af􀏐iliation, competition and interests) [1]. Motivation and emotion derive from movere (Latin for “to move”. Motivation refers to the processes that give behavior energy and direction Motivated behavior leads to rewards or reinforcement, which create in the promotion of new learning, and the maintenance of performance and achievement. On the other hand, the motivation can be measured preferences, interests, choices, aversions, and willingness to overcome barriers to achieve the goal, or to work and perform. At this point the approach/avoidance ply a signi􀏐icant role in understanding the dynamic basis of behavior, especially, the concept of con􀏐licts.

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