Intracardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma: A Case Report
Volume 1 - Issue 5
Luis Eduardo Silva1, Yennifer Suarez Tirado2, Andres Prada Rueda2, Arnold Méndez Toro1, Gustavo
Palomino1 and Oscar Alfredo Pacheco1
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- 1Internist, Cardiologist, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada-Hospital Militar Central, Bogotá, Colombia
- 2Internal Medicine Resident. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada-Hospital Militar Central, Bogotá, Colombia
*Corresponding author:
Luis Eduardo Silva, Internist, Cardiologist, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada-Hospital Militar Central, Bogotá,
Received: May 07, 2018; Published: May 14, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2018.01.000123
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Most of primary cardiac masses correspond to benign tumors within which are the myxomas, rhabdomyomas and papillary
fibroelastomas that occupy the third place in prevalence. These lesions are rare and are usually found incidentally in routine studies.
More than 90% of papillary fibroelastomas occur in the heart valves, the most frequent being the aortic valve and the mitral valve.
Echocardiography studies have reported a size between 2 and 40mm, mostly corresponding to single lesions, with a short pedicle,
which present independent movement and are attached to an endocardial surface. The treatment is surgical since they can present
complications like embolism to the pulmonary or systemic circulation, significant hemodynamic obstruction and death secondary
to these embolic events. We present the case of an asymptomatic patient in whom a papillary fibroelastoma located in the tricuspid
valve was documented, which was successfully resected.
Keywords: Cardiac tumors; papillary fibroelastomas; Embolism; Echocardiography
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