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ISSN: 2637-6679

Research and Reviews on Healthcare: Open Access Journal

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6679)

Cancer Awareness among the Students of Baha Ud din Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan Volume 6 - Issue 4

Muhammad Furqan Shah1*, Muhammad Muzamil Nazar2, Aleena Zainab3

  • 1COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 2Baha ud din Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
  • 3NUST Islamabad, Pakistan

Received: October 06, 2021   Published: October 27, 2021

Corresponding author: Muhammad Furqan Shah, MS Molecular Genetics, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan

DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2021.06.000249

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Uncontrolled division and proliferation of abnormal cells is called cancer. It is the second most common disorder after cardiovascular diseases. Common symptoms of cancer include extreme tiredness, weight loss, fever, pain, headache, eating problems and lumps or swelling on the body. Age, obesity, alcohol consumptions, smoking and radiations are one of the major risk factors for cancer. A survey was conducted to check the awareness level about cancer among the students of different departments of Baha ud din Zakariya University, Multan. A questionnaire consisting of 15 basic questions about cancer was designed. Total 500 students fill the questionnaire. The results of the survey show the awareness among university students. 69.2% students were aware of the risk factors of cancer, 63.25% students were aware about the most prevalent type of cancer in males and females, 87.66% students were aware of the different modes of treatment and 79.25% students were hopeful that cancer can be treated successfully. In our study, only 1% students have remained cancer patients, 3% students have relatives with cancer and 5% students’ neighbors were affected by this lethal disease. Awareness about cancer in students is not too good, therefore, there is a need to spread awareness among students by conducting seminars and diagnostic camps.

Keywords: Awareness; Survey; Cancer; Questionnaire; Students

Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Results| Discussion| Conclusion| Reference|