Becoming an Erudite of Nursing Profession
in the 21st Century: The Career Path
Volume 2 - Issue 3
Simeon Kayode Olubiyi*
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- Department of Nursing Science, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
*Corresponding author:
Simeon Kayode Olubiyi, Ag. Head, Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health
Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Received: July 11, 2018; Published: July 23, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/RRHOAJ.2018.02.000139
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A career is a lifelong commitment that has the potential to be
extremely rewarding and not merely a pay check. It is therefore
important for anyone wishing to choose a career to carefully
consider all aspects of the career. The aim of this paper is to show
the career path to becoming an erudite in nursing profession
in this 21st century. According to the Oxford Advanced English
Dictionary, an erudite is someone who have or shows profound
knowledge to have learnt or scholarly in his or her chosen field.
It is a most distinguishing level or status that is earned, attained
and not through any man’s generosity. This is made possible by
hard work, mentoring, sacrifice, maintaining the highest standards
of excellence and achievement, appropriate studying until one
is approved, been extremely strong emotionally and physically
in order to stand-out. However, it must be quickly resolved here,
that as mortals, we are limited in certain rights. No matter how a
man tries, except God puts His blessings upon Him, he may just be
labouring in vain. The path to becoming an erudite in a chosen field
like nursing starts from career advancement/development.
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