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- 1Senior Resident, ENT Department, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, India
- 2Professor & Head of ENT Department, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, India
*Corresponding author:
Viswanatha B, Professor Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Bangalore Medical College and Research
Institute, India
Received: August 19, 2020; Published: August 28, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2020.05.000204
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Early detection of hearing loss and intervention is very important for the development of normal speech and language. A
prospective study of brainstem evoked response audiometry to access hearing loss in high risk children below 5 years of age, to find
out the incidence of hearing loss in children from high risk category and to determine the threshold of hearing by brainstem evoked
response audiometry in high risk children by observing wave āVā at the minimum intensity of click stimulus. 100 children having one
or more high-risk factors for hearing loss (up to 5 years of age) according to the inclusion criteria had been selected for the study
from the outpatient department. This study showed that BERA was found to be a useful, accurate tool to detect the type of hearing
loss and the site of defect in auditory transmission of sound. This aids in planning the mode of intervention for early rehabilitation
for speech and language development.
Keywords: Brainstem evoked response audiometry; hearing loss; high risk children
Materials and Methods|