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ISSN: 2641-1709

Scholarly Journal of Otolaryngology

Research Article(ISSN: 2641-1709)

Health vs Environment with a Focus on Otolaryngology: A Sociological Appraisal Volume 7 - Issue 2

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi*

  • Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University, Iran

Received:September 01, 2021;   Published:September 13, 2021

Corresponding author: Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University, Iran

DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2021.07.000263

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Sociologically speaking, environment, especially the built environment has highly affected the human health in particular in urban areas where population is more concentrated, merged with industries and the pollution diluted. The current urban life is exposed to many disorders and health issues. Under such circumstances, the developed countries have access to better means of treatment especially otolaryngological facilities, whereas the developing countries are generally in short of the necessary medical means. What the developing countries need to do is to invest more on their educational atmosphere, wide-spreading education in all corners of their countries regardless of race, gender, creed and color. That would be a good column for the next healthy generations. Environmental health includes neighborhood spaces, schools, and the places where we live. Based on environmental sociological perspectives, qualitative differences between different environments should be reduced to a minimum. However, population density and extensive and continuous migration have caused different geographical environments to have different environmental health. Environmental diseases largely reflect racial and class status such as habitat and climate which are interrelated, and also affect human health.

Keywords: Environmental effects; air pollution; urban environment; environmental justice; healthy generations

Abstract| Introduction| Method of Research| Conclusion| References|