Application of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma to Graft
Donor Sites to Reduce Pain and Augment Healing: A
Randomized Controlled Trial
Volume 4 - Issue 3
Samarth Gupta*
- Department of Plastic Surgery, SMS Hospital, India
Received: September 22, 2020; Published:October 09, 2020
Corresponding author: Samarth Gupta, Department of Plastic Surgery, SMS Hospital, Jaipur, India
DOI: 10.32474/OSMOAJ.2020.04.000190
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Platelet Rich Plasma has been vastly utilized in the medical field due to its property to heal the wounds and the multitude of
growth factors it contains. Traditionally, donor sites are left to heal with a primary dressing which would otherwise be opened as the
wound heals. Various methods of donor site management have been described such as collagen dressings, hydrocolloid, alginate,
hydro fiber, silicone dressing, or paraffin gauze. However, it is often encountered that there is a delay in the healing process and
accompanied by pain at donor site. Furthermore, in a relatively small population of patients who have a tendency to hypertrophic
scar formation, this becomes a challenge for the plastic surgeon. It not only leads to unsightly scars but also additional problems of
dryness and itching. Owing to the healing properties of PRP, we designed this study to utilize it for donor site dressings following
split thickness skin grafts. This study primarily throws light on the usage of Autologous PRP over Split thickness Skin Graft donor
sites to augment healing, and reduce pain.
Materials and Methods
The 100 patients enrolled in this study between January 2018- July 2019 were divided into two groups of 50 each on a
randomized basis, one of which was subjected to use of Autologous PRP, which was topically applied at the donor site and the other
control group where the wound was traditionally dressed. Pain scales were measured in the immediate postoperative period as well
as at the time of first dressing. Dressing was opened on the 14th postoperative day and observed for healing.
Patients with the PRP group showed statistically significant faster healing at the 14th postoperative day, as compared to the
control group which required continuing dressing 3-4 weeks. We also measured pain scale in the postoperative period and at
the time of first dressing, which was significantly less in the PRP group. It’s worthy to mention that a few of the patients who has
hypertrophic scars previously, did not develop after the application of PRP.
Application of PRP is a safe, cost effective, easy method to achieve faster healing in graft donor site areas, which is more often
than not bothersome to the patients undergoing split thickness grafts. It also reduces the postoperative pain at the donor site. We
recommend its use more frequently in managing donor site for Split thickness skin grafts.
Keywords: PRP; Donor Site; Pain; Skin Grafts; Wound Healing
Materials and Methods|
Ethical Statement|