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An Ophthalmologist look at Art Volume 2 - Issue 4

Jorge Meyrán García*

  • Hospital career history in the Hospital General de México

Received:February 24, 2020;   Published:March 04, 2020

Corresponding author: Jorge Meyrán García, Hospital career history in the Hospital General de México, Mexico

DOI: 10.32474/TOOAJ.2020.02.000147


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In the 1990s Dr. María Dolores Cortés lent me a very interesting book called “An Ophthalmologist look at art” written by Arthur Linksz M.D. The author makes several analyses, observations and conjectures about the portraits of people who accepted the indications of the painter, although there were some important persons who wanted to impose his desires and that created problems for the painter; then it’s about self-portraits, some made in front of a mirror and others taken from a photograph; later it deals with the direction of reading and writing, from left to right in the western and right to left in the East, and ends with uncapítulo on the commented astigmatism of the Greco. I think an ophthalmologist who likes art, especially painting should have read it. In short, when referring to portraits, he points out that people receive the light on the left side so as not to cover it if the painter is right-handed, except when an important person did not meet the painter’s demands. Often with the face turned to the right and the eyes in front. When talking about the self-portraits he first writes down the facts with a mirror, the left side of the painter appeared in the picture as the right.
