ISSN: 2637-6628
Huang Wei Ling*
Received:May 17, 2021 Published:May 21, 2021
Corresponding author:Huang Wei Ling Acupuncture and Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
DOI: 10.32474/OJNBD.2021.05.000222
In the author’s daily practice, one of the main complaints she faces is headache. As a doctor who has six specialties, the first being specialized in infectious diseases, she began studying Chinese medicine (two years after finishing her medical residency in infectious disease in 1995), influenced by her mother who said that many diseases in the future will only be cured through Chinese medicine [1]. Having the privilege of the opportunity to study both medicines (Western and Eastern) the author understands today what failures current Western medicine has made, when it was instituted the scientific model implemented by Flexner in 1910, changing the whole way of seeing the patient and often moving away from the conventional model of explaining at the bedside, the changes presented by the patient. In the past, medical model was implemented by William Henry Welsh (1850-1934) in 1884, in Unites States, where standardized clinical observations with introduction of laboratory experimentation and research [2]. This super specialized model of medicine brought a fragmentation of the entire human being, with several deleterious consequences for our patients today as the author is showing in the article Are Pulmonary Manifestations in COVID-19 Really Caused by the Virus? [3].
When the patient complains of headache, it is often asked by the physician localized x-ray, tomography, magnetic resonance exams in a normal investigation however, often, these exams come with normal results. This does not mean that the patient does not have a cause for their headache, as the author presented the possible causes for headache when the exams are normal in the Webinar on Food Science & Food Safety on April 05-06, 2021 in a study entitled Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache? [4, 5]. The lack of holistic understanding that everything that exists in the universe is formed by energy, including the human being, has had several deleterious consequences to the patient, delaying his diagnosis and often undergoing treatments with medications that often, end up perpetuating the cause that originated the headache (which are the energy imbalances), very well explained in classic books of Chinese medicine literature.
In these books, all mechanisms are based on the balance of Yin and Yang energies and on the theories of the Five Elements, explaining the entire functioning of the universe, including the human being who is part of it. This was the explanations wrote by the author (2021) in an article entitled What Have Behind in All Kinds of Infections that We Need to Know? [1].
The alterations between day and night, sun and moon, winter and summer, woman and man, among other examples, are all phenomenal, they are all based on the transformations of Yin and Yang and not only exist for existing. There is an explanation for everything, but not everything we can see with the naked eye, like the magnetic waves that pollute our planet in all environments. We know they exist when we enter an environment and our cell phone does not work, does not communicate anymore, it is because the energy that feeds it is no longer there [6, 7]. This is how our human body is, we are nourished by nutrients but behind the whole functioning process explained by Western medicine, it has an energy background behind it, which Western medicine has not noticed yet [1]. Due to a drastic change in the energy patterns of our patients, from 2015 onwards, patients who had energy in their five massive organs no longer had, and that may be the cause of the overwhelming global pandemic today, leading to a general immunodeficiency of the population, very well explained by the author through an article written by her (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?In these articles, the author reported that the energy profile of our patients changed, as she says in the article Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? [6-8].
Therefore, in patients who have chronic headache and proven in some publications she (2019) has done about Auricular Acupuncture and Chinese Dietary Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Headache, the author proves that auricular acupuncture is an excellent method for the treatment of headache but when the patient does not follow the dietary recommendations advised by her, the result of the treatment has not been so good as when are following auricular acupuncture associated with Chinese dietary counseling. This fact occurs because each food has its energy (Cold, Neutral, Warm or Hot) and depending on the type of imbalance presented by the patient, shown in the article Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, the patient can worsen the headache [6, 9].
In the 24th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Sciences webinar that the author participated as speaker, that was held on February 24th, 2021, she presented the themes Autoimmune Hepatitis induced by the Chronic Ingestion of Mate Tea, the author presented a case of a patient with chronic headache and who did not present any alteration in exams located in the skull (x-ray, tomography and magnetic resonance) and what was discovered is that she had an autoimmune hepatitis, diagnosed by her due to the localization of the pain ( in the top of the head), which was caused by chronic ingestion of matte tea. The author asked for some laboratorial exam to see if the Liver had any alteration and discovered that the cause, when all markers of autoimmune hepatitis was altered (anti-nuclear factor positive 1/320). In this presentation, she explained that, depending on the localization that the headache is occurring (whether from the sides, front, top of the head or back), there are energy meridians that can be unbalanced (depending on diet or emotion). The most commonly affected meridians in Chinese medicine that can cause a headache is the Liver and Gallbladder meridian [10].
In Chinese medicine, autoimmune diseases are caused by Yin deficiency, and this deficiency was caused by the chronic ingestion of tea at breakfast by the patient, and currently, the patient is in a very important improvement of the condition, having weekly sessions of acupuncture, to rebalancing energies, associated with Chinese dietary counseling and with no use of corticosteroids or immune suppressant medications as the author showed this possibility of treating patients with autoimmune hepatitis only rebalancing the internal energy in the article Can autoimmune hepatitis be treated without the use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive medications? [11]. She also treated the lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathies according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine created by the author (2020), where she applies the teachings of Hahnemann (that has 225 years from the first article published until today) but associated with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine (that exists for more than 5000 years). In this way she managed to deepen the theories of homeopathy, which according to Hippocrates, we must follow the older medicines before following the medicine practiced today [12, 13].
Therefore, several articles published by the author, one of them Why patients with knee pain still have symptoms despite the use of anti-inflammatory medications and in another article entitled Why Do Patients Still have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications, the author is explaining that Western medicine is treating at the leaf level of the tree, because it only sees the patient’s symptom , the same reasoning used by Galen (c. 130-200 A.D.) where he divided in systems all the organs and one does not have any relation with the other. This kind of medicine was also implanted by Flexner report initially elaborated in 1910, but fully implemented in 1913, where he is saying that all things that are scientific you need to proof and see with your eye. Only to you to know that Flexner was not a medical doctor but changed all the way that all medical schools needs to work, with Rockefeller foundation and Carnegie Foundation at his background [2, 14-17]. These kinds of thoughts used by Galen and implanted by Flexner in 1913, impaired the vision of the totality of the human being because all human being, before materialized as organs and systems, it is formed by energy, in a constant changes and transformations, as demonstrated by Capra (1975) in his book Tao of Physics [2, 14-16, 18].
The reason why the author explains why patients who have constant headaches do not improve with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs itself is a causal factor in maintaining imbalances in Yin and Yang energies and the Five Elements in the energy level, demonstrated in the “root” of the tree in all her articles. Being a highly concentrated drug, and metabolized mainly in the Liver, which is the organ most affected in patients with headache, the ingestion of medications to treat headache pain would be the factor in maintaining the imbalance of energy in the Liver leading to headache [5, 11, 15]. Therefore, in view of what the author said above, and knowing that all human organs are interconnected and that the headache symptom does not mean that the problem is in the head, according to Chinese medicine, headache can have several causes, of energy background, and therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye [9]. In the author’s daily practice, she has noticed some cases that the use of “piercing” in the ear of her patients can also trigger a headache (depending on where the “piercing’ was placed) the ear being similar to an inverted fetus, described in book of Auricular Medicine, by Dr. Li-Chun Huang (2005), where head pathologies are represented in the lower lobe of the ear, the patient with headache symptoms could be caused by the use of these earrings, and was described by the author (2018) in the article Can the Use of Earrings Cause Eye Pain? [19].
Depending on where the ear was pierced, it can trigger a reaction in the organs that the earring point represents on the body. Therefore, the headache is just a sign, the tip of an iceberg that there are problems (which are submerged in the ocean floor), which cannot be seen with the naked eye, but which must be treated [9, 15]. And if only the symptom is treated, not the cause, the treatment of the symptom will maintain the energy imbalance that caused the headache, maintaining the condition or even worsening the pain instead of improving it [9, 15]. Therefore, changes in the curriculum of all medical schools must be implemented worldwide, as changes in the energy pattern in human beings (with overwhelming reduction of these energies) have suffered even more deleterious consequences, with the use of highly concentrated medications for pain treatment nowadays (showed in the Arndt Shultz Law), may cause various side effects or even the patient’s death. This thought was the reason for an article published by the author Is the Medication used in Intubation of Patients with Covid-19 Affecting the Outcome of the Patient’s Treatment? [20].
The reintegration of other ways of thinking in the past, taking into account the older medicines, was already advocated by Hippocrates at that time and we urgently need to readjust the training of our doctors who are currently learning to treat the symptom and not the treating the cause of the formation of diseases, that are in the energy level [7, 13]. Again, according to Hippocrates, it is much more important to know what kind of patient the disease has than what kind of disease the patient has. In this quote, he is saying that we need to treat the patient and not the disease. We need to treat the root (that are the energy imbalances) and not just treat the symptoms (that are in the leaf). This is one of the reasons that we are facing the chaos in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic nowadays, due to different levels of interpretation of this infection. Through many articles published by the author, saying that the root of the patients is impaired nowadays, the physicians still treating in the leaf level, and for this reason, causing and harming even more the roots energy deficiency leading to so many complications, seeing nowadays or even deaths. as the author (2021) showed in the article Is the Medication Used in Intubation of Patients with COVID-19 Affecting the Outcome of the Patient’s Treatment? and in the article Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [6, 13, 20].
Bio chemistry
University of Texas Medical Branch, USADepartment of Criminal Justice
Liberty University, USADepartment of Psychiatry
University of Kentucky, USADepartment of Medicine
Gally International Biomedical Research & Consulting LLC, USADepartment of Urbanisation and Agricultural
Montreal university, USAOral & Maxillofacial Pathology
New York University, USAGastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Alabama, UKDepartment of Medicine
Universities of Bradford, UKOncology
Circulogene Theranostics, EnglandRadiation Chemistry
National University of Mexico, USAAnalytical Chemistry
Wentworth Institute of Technology, USAMinimally Invasive Surgery
Mercer University school of Medicine, USAPediatric Dentistry
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