Etiological and Symptomatological Differences
Between Hyperactive and Hypoactive Delirium Subtypes
Volume 2 - Issue 2
Marzanna Derkacz Jedynak, Marta Sudoł Malisz, Andrzej Brodziak* and Alicja Różyk Myrta
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- Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Nysa, Poland
*Corresponding author:
Andrzej Brodziak, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Nysa, Poland
Received: December 17, 2018; Published: January 02, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/OJNBD.2019.02.000134
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The processes of ageing and the related impairment of maintaining homeostasis, understood as the loss of adaptive abilities, lead
to an increased susceptibility to developing delirium among the elderly. The pathophysiological process of delirium development is
dependent on the presence of causative and predisposing factors; for example, neurotransmission process disorders (cholinergic,
serotonin and dopaminergic regulation), resulting in metabolic inefficiency of the brain. The symptoms of delirium differ in duration
and severity; there are 3 clinical subtypes of delirium: hypoactive, hyperactive and mixed. Moreover, subsequent evaluations using
methodological tools have made it possible to distinguish an additional subtype of delirium - the no-motor subtype. Recognizing
the delirium subtype is essential - it identifies high-risk patients, has an effect on the procedures, treatment and further prognosis.
Medical personnel working with elderly patients ought to be well familiar with the predisposing factors, non-pharmacological
procedures, treatment and prognosis of delirium; they also are required to know how to differentiate between each delirium
subtype. Physicians should be aware that the hypoactive subtype of delirium indicates a much worse prognosis for patients.
Keywords: Delirium; Subtypes; Hypoactive; Hyperactive; Mixed; No – motor; Delirium Motor Subtype Scale DMSS-4