A Critical Review on Artavavaha Srotas as Concept of Female
Reproductive System in Ayurveda
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Lahange Sandeep Madhukar*1 and Bhangare Archana Nivrutti2
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- 1Assistant Professor, Department of P.G Sharir Rachana NIA, India
- 2Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, P. G. Ayurvedic College and Hospital Mandi Govindgarh, India
*Corresponding author:
Lahange Sandeep Madhukar Assistant Professor P. G. Department of Sharir Rachana NIA, Jaipur 302002, India
Received: December 21, 2017; Published: January 18, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/IGWHC.2018.01.000107
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According to Ayurveda, health of a female starts in the fetal stage itself which describes the measures to yield a good female child. The
distinctive anatomical and physiological features of women in each age group were well studied by the ancient sages of Ayurveda. Just as the river
is cleansed by its flow the women are purified by the menstrual flow. That is the reason for the non-susceptibility of women to many diseases.
The regimens to be followed during menstrual and post-menstrual periods are well advocated in Ayurveda. Disregard to these regimens is the
leading cause for many of the gynecological and systemic diseases in women. In addition to the systemic diseases, 20 gynecological diseases are
described, which are explained in the classics under the entity of Yonivyapad and all the Yoni Roga are the disease of anatomical components
of Artavavaha Srotas (Reproductive system).
In Ayurveda there is vast description of Artavavaha Srotas in terms of its moolsthana, Patho-physiology, clinical conditions and their
ayurvedic management. Artavavaha Srotas shows quite similarities with female reproductive system explained in modern medical science.
Anatomical defects of the reproductive system could be one of the commonest causes of bad obstetric history. Approximately 12 - 15% of
women with recurrent abortion have uterine malformation. So there is need of time to elaborate the physio- anatomical and applied ayurvedic
knowledge regarding female reproductive system for better female health.
Keywords: Ayurveda; Artavavaha Srotas; Female Reproductive System; Yonivyapad; Moolsthan
Abbrevations: ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology; HSG: Hystero Salpingo Grams; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging