I propose a microzyma/microzymian theory of the origin of
life to wit I propose a theory of the origin of life that states that
life as we know it arose from the first ever microzyma! Microzyma
are found on/in air, rocks etc. What if the microzyma, in ages past
synthesized the air, rocks, mountains etcetera? Microzyma have
never been observed to perish. What if microzyma made the
universe? Microzymian reactions/activities have been observed
to produce chemicals and minerals. Couldn’t the first microzyma/
group of microzyma have produced the first element or elements?
I propose that the origin of biological life and of the entire
physical universe is the microzyma. The atom has been split, the
microzyma has not. Rocks have been split and ground to dust, the
microzyma have not. It appears the only indestructible thing on this
earth are the microzymas. Microzymas are never formed or born
and never decay or die. It is not completely unreasonable therefore
[till it is proven otherwise] to propose that they were in existence
before everything else and that they made everything else, and that
they will continue to exist after everything else whether living or
non-living is gone. Microzyma are found everywhere and in/on
everything, living or non-living. They are found in the air, mountains,
sea, fire and ice. No terrain, temperature or territory can stop them.
They can go and thrive where germs cannot. Bacteria, viruses,
protozoa, fungi and even genes, chromosomes and DNA deteriorate,
deactivate or die where microzyma remain alive and kicking.
This microzymian theory of life does not rule out/is not entirely
incompatible with intelligent design, the big bang (the microzyma
could have set it off!), the steady state theory, cosmozoanism/
panspermia, some aspects of the conventional theory of evolution.
The theory does not necessarily deny the existence of a creator.