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ISSN: 2637-4706

Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties International Journal

Mini Review(ISSN: 2637-4706)

The Names of Drugs In “Kutadgu Bilig” Volume 2 - Issue 2

Kholmuradova Mushtariy*

  • Scientific researcher, Tashkent state university of the Uzbek language and literature, Uzbekistan

Received: August 29, 2018;   Published: September 04, 2018

Corresponding author: Kholmuradova Mushtariy, Scientific researcher, Tashkent state university of the Uzbek language and literature, Uzbekistan

DOI: 10.32474/DDIPIJ.2018.02.000133

Abstract PDF

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Name of drugs are analyzed in the represented article “Kutadgu bilig”. Lexical units of medical concepts are widely investigated by the works of Yusuf Khos Khojib including human body part, health, temper, and eating habits. The importance of medical terms, and medical viewpoints are enlightened of our nowadays medicine.

Keywords: Uragun (Bitter Medicine); Tarangbin (Aphids on leaves, used as a laxative drug); Ma’jun (opium, ointment as a combination of Drugs); Ötrüm (Dehydration which was used for cleaning body); Şalısa ( a universal drug); Taryaq (complicated drug against poison); Ukit (a different mixture medicine with saffron)


The indication includes a variety of drug names and information about how to use them for diseases. Used drug terms and names for the development of pharmacy, and types of drugs provides information on the methods of treatment.

Urağun: bitter drug, poison: Beδük bir biçäkig Elikdä tutar

Solındın urağun oŋındın şäkär. “Holding a big knife, on the left side – similar drugs, on the right side sugar syrup” (757-couplet). “In the ancient Turkic language,” the word urağun meant one of the bitter liquid of Indian oldest drugs (DTС, 614). R.Arat gives his opinion about this medicine “Hindistandan gelen bir ilâç” [1]. As mentioned in couplet if oppressed or violated man could find justice from the ruler he could be treated with syrup. In contrast violent and oppressor and unfair man were forced to drink from poison. By the justification of the ruler oppressors were suffering of drinking uragun (poison). The word uragun was mentioned above was used in figurative sense, the citizens of Kuntugdi based on the ideas of justice and to show that the evil of oppressors are sentenced to achieve for the justification.

Ötrüm: dehydration which was used for cleaning body. In the indication is noted that when Oytoldi was ill doctors advised her to take out some of her blood. Mean while, she was advised by other doctors to take ötrüm: Qayu aydı ötrüm içürgü keräk. Özin qatmış emdi boşutğu keräk . “Some of them told: to take drug for dehydration as cannot digest, intestines must be softened”(1045- couplet). In “Ancient Turkish Dictionary” ötrüm meant weakening (DLT,393). The words şalısa, taryaq also represents the notion of drugs for the treatment of a patient: Keräk qat şalısa

a) keräk taryaq et

b) Keräk mitridus qat ya çurnı ögüt.

c) şalısa – is a universal drug [2].

d) taryaq - is complicated drug against poison [3].

Used words in the couple mitridus, çurnı, ögüt also stands for medicine names. Mitridus– is one of the complicated drug and was named after the inventor’s name [4]. This formed the basis of the goals of medical terminology by metonymy, has related to noun. “Ancient Turkic Dictionary” mitridus” was described as “ names of medicinal drug” (DTS-338).

Ukit means “is a different mixture medicine with saffron” Güvariş ,ma’cun, çurnı are the names of herbal drugs. Güvariş– is for digesting. In “Ancient Turkish Dictionary” was described as “digestion, the wine-holder holds different herbs, adding for digestion, for fixing and [as] a laxative “(DTS, 195). R.Arat güvariş “hazma yardımı olan şeyler” [5]. Ma’jun – consists of a mixture of opium drugs . The word ma’jun was taken from Arabic word (drug mixture– DTS,339); kuvvet iâçi. Çurnı – drug for dieahree, and was used by Turks (medicinal powder, laxative– DTS,157). Qamuğ türlüg otlar iδişçi tutar Güvariş ya ma’cun ya çurnı Qatar “All kinds of drugs are kept by pharmacologist, and mixes either ma’jun or çurnı” (2448-couplet). Teräŋbin means“weakening, cleaning drug”:

a) Sarığı küçänmiş bolur ay bögü

b) Özini boşutğu teräŋbin yegü

c) Teräŋbin - is a liquid which appears on the leaf, which is used for dehydration.

Names of the drugs and the ways of treatment and also information of drug instructions are given.


  1. (2011) Examples was taken this source “Kutadgu bilig” I, II, III, IV. Tashkent.
  2. Abu Ali ibn Sino (1993) Medical laws (V part) -T.
  3. (1969) ДТС - Древнетюркский словарь. –Л Наука.
  4. Yusuf Khos Khojib (1971) (Bolosoguniy) (XI century) Kutadghu bilig (editor Karimov Q.)–Toshkent: Fan.
  5. Resid Rahmeti Arat (1979) Kutadgu bilig (index) –Istanbul.