ISSN: 2637-4706
Muhammad Imran Qadir and Hira Baig*
Received: February 8, 2019; Published: April 02, 2019
Corresponding author:Hira Baig, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
DOI: 10.32474/DDIPIJ.2019.03.000151
Dengue fever is a mosquito born disease. Biting of female mosquito transfer virus in to host through its tentacles and then it multiply, first when host defense mechanism strong it fights with phages after time they become resistant multiply and cause infection that cause dengue fever. Biology students gave their contribution in evaluation of understanding and their views relate to dengue fever. In Pakistan, upper Punjab suffered catastrophe of dengue fever. It was concluded that most subjects claimed mosquito infection was viral, also people claimed it never treated with surgery. Some people understood it can be treated by specific type of medicine, it also not metabolic disease.
Keywords: Phages; Resistant; Catastrophe
Dengue fever is commonly cause by the dengue virus that cause infection. This virus spread in the tropical or sub-tropical areas. It is also called mosquito borne illness. Mosquitoes spread diseases without affective themselves. Dengue Virus is a mosquito borne positive single stranded RNA virus. Sudden high fever, severe headaches, eyes pain, fatigue, nausea skin rashes are the symptoms of dengue fever. Bleeding gums, blood vomiting, rapid breathing are the warning signs that can cause severe dengue fever. When mosquito bites symptoms start to show after five to seven days. Sometimes symptoms show after two weeks from biting. Liver, heart, lungs can damage by the dengue fever [1-2]. Objective of the present study was, person’s foresight about cause and tackling of catastrophe of dengue fever.
In recent study the subject were hundred students, from the Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
The topic, for we got views of subjects was person’s foresight about cause and tackling of catastrophe of dengue fever. A questionnaire helped about the visions of the subjects, about dengue fever, the subjects were biology students. In this way subjects visualized their information and knowledge about dengue fever.
MS excel was used to perform the statistical analysis (Table 1-4).
Is dengue infection viral or not? The results are given in (Figure 1). 69% female said it is viral, 25% males said viral, remained claimed no it was not viral. Is dengue infection bacterial or not? The results in (Figure 2). 42% and 45% males and females respectively claimed, no it was not bacterial. Is it being fungal disease? The results in (Figure 3). 42% and 58% males and females understood not fungal infection it was Is Dengue fever, genetic disease? 31% and 69% disease males and females said it is not genetic infection. Results explained in (Figure 4). Is dengue infection metabolic? Results explained in (Figure 5). It observed that 39% and 35% females and males claimed not metabolic infection. Person’s views about prevalence and tackling from catastrophe of dengue fever are given in (Table 5). 100% males and females both claimed that they never effected by the disaster of dengue fever. 22% males subject said that any family member never effected. 49% males said neighbor never effected by such type of infection. 1% female claimed, her fellow suffered from it. 45% males said such type of infection spread from transmission of lymph. 63% males said it is no need of any treatment. Both100% men and women subjects claimed that it never be remedy by surgery
Questionnaire based study had an important [3-6]. Jahan Asia Public Family Medicine published the paper of Jamal et. al., who discussed the dengue fever in Pakistan, it leads to death in sever condition. International journal of mosquito research published another paper in which it is reported that 71649 people suffered from this disease with 757 deaths. Multiple dengue virus serotypes also affected the persons in India and Srilanka. Uncovered and pure water first habitat of dengue fever, cover self-first also your family it is the foremost tackling of about dengue virus that cause dengue fever.
It was concluded that most subjects claimed mosquito infection was viral, also people claimed it never treated with surgery. Some people understood it can be treated by specific type of medicine, it also not metabolic disease.
Bio chemistry
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