The Names of Drugs In “Kutadgu Bilig”
Volume 2 - Issue 2
Kholmuradova Mushtariy*
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- Scientific researcher, Tashkent state university of the Uzbek language and literature, Uzbekistan
*Corresponding author:
Kholmuradova Mushtariy, Scientific researcher, Tashkent state university of the Uzbek language and
literature, Uzbekistan
Received: August 29, 2018; Published: September 04, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/DDIPIJ.2018.02.000133
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Name of drugs are analyzed in the represented article “Kutadgu bilig”. Lexical units of medical concepts are widely investigated
by the works of Yusuf Khos Khojib including human body part, health, temper, and eating habits. The importance of medical terms,
and medical viewpoints are enlightened of our nowadays medicine.
Keywords: Uragun (Bitter Medicine); Tarangbin (Aphids on leaves, used as a laxative drug); Ma’jun (opium, ointment as a
combination of Drugs); Ötrüm (Dehydration which was used for cleaning body); Şalısa ( a universal drug); Taryaq (complicated
drug against poison); Ukit (a different mixture medicine with saffron)