Combined on-Farm Analysis of Management Procedures
and Vaccination Protocols: The Way to Maximize the
Health of the Herd
Volume 3 - Issue 1
Ramon Armengol1* and Marta Bassols1
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- 1Department of Animal Science, University of Lleida, Spain
*Corresponding author:
Ramon Armengol, Department of Animal Science, University of Lleida, Spain
Received: October 29, 2019; Published: November 26, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/CDVS.2019.03.000155
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During a farm animal’s life, there are a lot of situations that carry stress and induce immunosuppression, increasing the risk
of infections and diseases. At the same time, veterinarians and farmers make a big effort (technical and economical) to increase
immunity, setting complete vaccination programs. Frequently, this prevention through vaccination fails because administration is
carried out during immunosuppression periods. We propose an easy, accurate and understandable strategy based on a complete visit
of the farm and interview with the farmer. It is purposed to analyze altogether management procedures on farm, other phenomena
and vaccination protocols that occur during the ruminant’s life. After a deep analysis, we suggest changes in the farm’s routine in
order to maximize health status of the ruminants, reducing stress and immunosuppression periods, increasing efficacy of vaccines
and efficiency of the production system. This strategy includes the analysis of the ruminants’ life, day by day, through a spreadsheet.
Keywords: Advice; cattle; management; ruminants; stress
Material and Methods|
Results and Discussion|