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ISSN: 2644-1217

Open Access Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Mini Review ArticleOpen Access

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Healthcare Volume 3 - Issue 4

Ms. Kanishka Sharma1, Dr. Swati Singh2, Dr. Kumud Tanwar3 and Dr. Ashok Kakodia4

    1Student M. Sc Chemistry (Sem IV), Department of Chemistry, Kanoria P.G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, India

    2Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kanoria P.G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, India

    3Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, India

    4Director Research, Govind Guru Tribal University, Kanoria P.G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, India

Received: October 02, 2021   Published: October 26, 2021

*Corresponding author: Dr. Swati Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kanoria P.G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, India

DOI: 10.32474/OAJCAM.2021.03.000168

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is globally emerging as a logistic tool in digital technology and depicts its wide range of relevance in preventive medicine and its management. Smart Hospitals or Hospital 4.0 is a basic need for today’s scenario seeking to COVID 19. [1] Coronavirus has become epidemic and claim for imperative medical supplies, medicines along with the synthesis of neutralizing antibodies which can block the virus particles. Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) known as the fourth industrial revolution served to be at rest during COVID-19 crunch. IIoT has assassinated the demands of individualized face conceal, mitten and enabled to conduct all relevant research and assisted to provide the data immediately for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Effective upturn off wearables and sensors (like Apple Watch, MI Band) has escort a new generation of telemedicine, where patients could be cared virtually by hospital staff. The employment of these technologies would help people to get [2] enlighten regarding their wellbeing. These smart manufacturing technologies could provide a lot of resourceful brainstorm band-aid to scuffle geographical and global medical emergencies.
The aim of chapter is to through light on the smart system of Industry 4.0 during this pandemic of COVID 19 by providing better digital techniques without imposing the risks to [3] healthcare. This paper overall deals with how AI and Industry 4.0 co-jointly can change the whole scenario of our medical procedures as well as healthcare systems and in addition to that many technologies which are currently helping in the medical field are also being discussed.

Keywords: Coronavirus, wearables, sensors, Industry 4.0

Abstract| Artificial Intelligence: An Overview-| Applications of AI on healthcare sector and impact on industry 4.0:| Significance of artificial intelligence in the domain of healthcare| Detection of skin cancer| Redefining eye health using AI| Developmental processes of a drug| Stimulation of a patient in vegetative states(coma)| AI advancement to emotions: Identification of Depression| AI Robots as medical professionals| Conclusion| References |