Studies on Hybridization and Genetic Diversity in
Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L)
Volume 2 - Issue 2
T Rangkham and VK Khanna*
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- School of Crop Improvement, College of Post-Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Meghalaya, India
*Corresponding author:
VK Khanna, School of Crop Improvement, College of Post-Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University,
Meghalaya, India
Received: June 12, 2018; Published: June 18, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/OAJOM.2018.02.000132
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Crossability of various accessions of cowpea on the basis of pollen development and fruit set was studied along with genetic
diversity by SSR markers. There was a significant correlation between fruit set and percent viable pollen. In all selfings and the
crosses, pollen germination increased from 2 hr to 6 hr after pollination. Pollen germination had a highly significant correlation
with fruit set. On selfing, the fruit set was positively correlated with faster pollen tube growth whereas it was not so in the case
of crosses. There was a positive correlation between pollen tube growth and fruit set. Thirty six primers were selected to assess
genetic diversity of 36 accessions of cowpea and twenty seven primers were found to be polymorphic. The polymorphic primers
generated a total of 72 alleles. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 4 with an average of 2.66 per locus. Based on Euclidean
similarity matrix and dendrogram constructed, two major clusters were revealed. Cluster I and Cluster II comprised of 14 and 22
accessions, respectively. M-5 was found to be more distinct from Kashi Gowri, EC- 559390 and EC- 9738; EC- 472260 and Sel- 16;
EC- 30950 and PL- 2; EC- 472260 and EC- 9739. Sel- 16 and EC- 9739 were found to be very less distinct. The value of Euclidean
similarity coefficient ranged from 0 to 3.61. PIC value obtained ranged from 0.09 – 0.68 with an average of 0.35. Based on PIC values,
out of 27 primers, SSR 6314 was found to be highly informative.
Keywords: Crossability; Vigna Unguiculata; Pollen Tube; Fruit Set; SSR
Materials and Methods|
Results and Discussion|