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Current Trends on Biotechnology & Microbiology

Review Article(ISSN: 2641-6875)

Genetics and Human Intelligence Volume 2 - Issue 3

Munmun Banerjee1 and Priti Mathur1*

  • 1Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India

Received:August 14, 2021;   Published:September 21, 2021

*Corresponding author: Priti Mathur, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow-226028, India

DOI: 10.32474/CTBM.2021.02.000138

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High intelligence is a valuable human capital that is correlated with success in one’s life. Human intelligence is governed by genetics as well as environmental factors. Recent studies indicate that contribution of genetics to intelligence is greater as compared to environment. Based on the above facts, we have gone through literature available on this topic. In this review article, we have focused on the genetic factors which influence human intelligence. Intelligence, in terms of IQ, is a polygenic trait and counting of genes linked to intelligence thus continues. Heritability of human intelligence increases with age. Genes of intelligence can protect a person from certain disorders but increase the vulnerability towards other disorders. Nowadays, Gene Plaza and DNA Land can predict the genetic IQ of a person. Few studies so far have been done on human intelligence and its relation with genetics. Hence, intense research is required to explore the genetics of human intelligence.

Keywords:Human intelligence; Genetics; IQ; Polygenic

Abstract| Introduction| Conclusion| References|