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ISSN: 2644-1381

Current Trends on Biostatistics & Biometrics

Mini Review(ISSN: 2644-1381)

The Human & Universal Functions Volume 3 - Issue 2

Paul TE Cusack*

  • BScE, DULE, 23 Park Ave, Saint John, NB E2J 1R2

Received: August 14, 2020;   Published: August 26, 2020

*Corresponding author: Paul TE Cusack, BScE, DULE, 23 Park Ave, Saint John, NB E2J 1R2, Canada

DOI: 10.32474/CTBB.2020.03.000158

Abstract PDF


In this paper, we consider the human being as a mathematical function operating within the universe which is also a function. We see that the golden Mean is paramount in energy and time computations. The golden mean is at the heart of the functional universe.

Keywords: Human function; mind; body; soul; universal parametric equation


The human being is made up of a mind, a body and a soul. The body is made up of a skeleton, flesh, and blood. We will develop a function for a human being and compare that to a function for the universe. We begin with the body. The skeleton can be thought of as mathematics. It provides the structure that the flesh is supported by. Flesh can be thought of as mass [1,2]. And blood can be compared to energy. The life is in the blood. One equation for the skeleton is Gauss’s Equation

The equation that describes the flesh is the familiar

The Blood can be thought of as the Total Energy TE=2 This is the Body. We now turn to the Mind. The Mind interacts with the universe through the senses. We have seen before that the senses are modelled by 5 vectors, namely: hearing; sight taste; touch, and smell. We eqaute this to Euler’s Identity.

ð +1 / ð + OG + 4 + O3 = 1 = sin2è + cos2è
The Soul is modelled by the golden mean parabola:
t2 - t -1 = E = 1
t = 2,-1

Time cannot be negative so t=2. Finally, the human actions are all modelled by the Gaussian Distribution (Bell normal) The area under the bell curve is 1 Figure 1.

So we have Activity + Soul + Mind+ Blood+ Flesh +Skeleton
1+1+1+1+2+1+1 = 8
Emin =1/8 =1.25 Þ tmin =1/2=1/E =1/TE =1/2
These are the human functions.
Now we turn to the functions of the Universe.
a. G = (31/12)2
b. Universal Parametric Equation

Let x = y
x = 1 /O2
y = mx + b
3 = 0.4233x + b
b = -251.12 = Period T
~1/4=1/ D =1/ determinant
Universe meets Soul

t = 2;-1
Therefore t=2
22-2-1=1= E
(E,t)= (1,2)

This is the golden mean triangle. They coincide at t=2; E=1 This is the golden mean parabola. The golden mean can be described as: Rogers-Ramanujan identity

Fibonacci Series
0 1 1 2 3 5
112.352- 112.35-1 = 1.25 = 1 / 8 = -Emin

Figure 1: Plot of t^2-t-1; y=0.4233 x -b; Sin^2x +cos ^2 x=1 They coincide at t=2; E=1 This is the golden mean parabola.



The human function and the universal functions can be used as a way of thinking about reality. The golden mean tis paramount.


  1. Andrews GE (1971) Number Theory. Dover USA.
  2. Dennett DC (1991) Consciousness Explained. Back Bay Books NY USA.