Bio-Cultural Dimension of Health as Reflected in Practices
and Behavioural Pattern Associated with Food
Volume 3 - Issue 4
Rajat Kanti Das*
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- The Indian Anthropological Society, India
*Corresponding author:
Rajat Kanti Das, President, The Indian Anthropological Society, Kolkata, India
Received: September 23, 2019; Published: October 09, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/OAJBEB.2019.03.000167
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Like most of material culture, food shapes the society’s identity
and cultural existence. But very often it puts the members of a
community into a dilemma; the dilemma revolving round strict
adherence to identity or making the food-based boundary more
flexible and accommodative of other categories of food into one’s
own system. At present, scientific and clinical investigations target
food to assess the proper nutritive value of the food items preferred
or prescribed and strictly followed by the community members
to whom traditional food items are the markers of social identity.
This has a direct bearing on community’s perception of health
and poses a challenge to health care measures and ethics that are
not conventionally focused in a community setting.