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ISSN: 2690-5752

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences

Review Article(ISSN: 2690-5752)

Reconstruction of African Bipedal Primates’ Phylogeny Based on the Adaptive Species Axiom Volume 5 - Issue 2

Sergey V Vyrskiy*

  • Russia

Received:August 27, 2021   Published: September 13, 2021

Corresponding author: Sergey V Vyrskiy, E-mail:, ph.No: +79173224329

DOI: 10.32474/JAAS.2021.05.000207


Abstract PDF

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Paleoanthropology is yet to come up with a generally accepted definition of a species as a basic unit for classification of evolving groups of individuals. It causes an excessive number of assigned species and unjustified splitting of hierarchical levels of classification that impedes adequate reconstruction of their phylogeny. This research studies the species characteristics posited by C. Linnaeus and supplemented by Ch.R. Darwin’s theory of descent with modification to suggest an adaptive species axiom, as well as instrumental methods of its diagnostics and differentiation. The application of the proposed methods has demonstrated only two adaptive species of bipedal primates existing 6-1 mya. Presumably, they were formed 9-8 mya as a result of branching of a maternal species that already possessed bipedalism. Both of these species became extinct, but the population of one of them formed a new species 2.6 mya with its industrial activity and natural resources resembling those of homo sapiens.

Keywords: Phylogeny; African Bipedal Primates; Adaptive Species; homo sapiens; Paleoanthropology

Abstract| Introduction| The History of Zoological Classification| An Attempt to Define a Species in Paleoanthropology, its Diagnostics and Differentiation| Phylogenetic System of Adaptive Species of African Bipedal Primates| Methods and Results| Discussion| Conclusion| References|