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ISSN: 2690-5752

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences

Mini Review(ISSN: 2690-5752)

Enforcement Plurilingual Cuban: Once Gaze Towards for the Integracion Linguistc Volume 4 - Issue 5

C Edenia Reyes Herrera*, C Ernestina Paredes Castañeda and Lic Yudeisi Maceo Gil

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish, University of Holguín, Cuba

Received:July 20, 2021   Published: July 27, 2021

Corresponding author:C Edenia Reyes Herrera, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish, University of Holguín, Cuba

DOI: 10.32474/JAAS.2021.04.000196


Abstract PDF

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The teaching of foreign languages is essential today in theCuban Higher Education and constantly needs new technologies. However, the teaching tools that make it viable are based onthe teaching - learning of isolated languages, but not orientedtowards a multilingual competence, according to the CEFR. Considering thecurrent percentage of the implementation of Android devices, itwas considered necessary to design an application or Software,as a didactic tool to favor multilingual teaching-learning and torespond in a timely manner to calls from the UNO and UNESCO. Expressed in the interactive Androidmobile application, was designed from the plurilingual approachand the linguistic mediation. The application is a great help for both: the foreign languageteacher and the student or user of these integrated languages,since you can find more variety of devices in the market, usingthis platform as Tablets and Smartphones, which favors moreoptions when it comes to investing in technology. The tool ismaterialized from the Institutional Project: Theoretical and Practical Study of the Languages and Communications of the UHoand favors the thematic line: Didactics of Spanish, English as aForeign Language. It has an exercise system, based on a functionalcommunicative typology [1].


The teaching of foreign languages is latent today in Cuban higher education and constantly needs new technologies; however, the didactic tools that make it possible, to date, are based on the teaching - learning of isolated languages, but not oriented towards a multilingual competence, according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)When taking into account the current percentage of the implementation of Android devices, it was considered necessary, the design of an application or Sofwear , as a didactic tool to promote multilingual teaching-learning and give timely response, to calls from the UN and UNESCO to break down the barriers of languages, from universities. The didactic tool expressed in the interactive mobile application was designed from the multilingual approach and linguistic mediation; for its design from the Computer Sciences, the native programming language of this platform and the development methodology of the XP software engineering were used [2]. This tool is materialized from the National Project of Theoretical and Practical Study of Languages and Communications, of the UHo and favors the thematic line: Didactics of Spanish and English as a Foreign Language.

Keywords:Application; Multilingual; Teaching; Learning; LE

Abstract| Introduction| Development| Conclusion| References|