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ISSN: 2644-1403

Global Journal of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine

Mini Review(ISSN: 2644-1403)

Cerebrovascular Accident Clinical Features, Clues for Diagnosis in the Acute Care Settings Volume 3 - Issue 4

Behzad Saberi*

  • Medical Research, Esfahan, Iran

Received: August 18, 2020;  Published: September 08, 2020

Corresponding author: Behzad Saberi, MD, Medical Research, Esfahan, Iran

DOI: 10.32474/GJAPM.2020.03.000169

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There are common abnormalities which can be seen due to occlusion in the anterior or posterior circulation of the brain in the Cerebrovascular accident which can be helpful to localize the lesion at the bedside Aphasia, Amaurosis fugax, Hemisensory loss, Hemianopic visual loss and Hemiparesis are common abnormalities which can be seen in the occlusion of the anterior circulation which would be the territory of the carotid and comprise about 80 percent of the cases Hemianopic visual loss, Syncope, Tetra paresis, Transient global amnesia, Ataxia, Diplopia, Dysarthria, Chocking, Hemisensory loss, Vertigo and Vomiting are common abnormalities which can be seen in the occlusion of the posterior circulation which would be the territory of the vertebrobasilar and comprise about 20 percent of the cases.

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